
Normal- when people in the hall are talking

Talking- When people in the memories are talking

Dialogue- What is happening in the memoires

Music- What's playing

[voice over]


Penny looked at Stephen with a smile "Don't look so sad Steph, your daughter just wanted your attention" she told him giggling. Stephen looked at her but a glare but she didn't flinch "Easy for you to say. You didn't get hit with ice cream" he huffed making her laugh more

Before she could say anything the lights dimmed and the screen turned back on

Penny was standing in front of the Vulture in her old spider-woman suit. Adrian Toomes held her at gun point

Everyone leaned forward confused "Didn't we see this already?" A Ravenclaw asked "You saw half of it" the voice said "This memory is the whole fight"

Penny slid down in her seat, if they freaked out only seeing half of what happened earlier then how the fuck are they going to be when they see the whole fight

"Well, Spider-Woman all here alone with no help" Toomes, taunted walking closer to her "No one to save you" he rips the mask off her face. Her red hair falls down her back, her brown doe eyes glaring at him with so much hatred that if it was possible he would have been dead

"Whose gonna help you now?" He smiled nastily at her "Is this how you die? Alone and scared?" Penny shook her head no emotion on her face "Who say's I'm scared?" The gun in Toomes hand wavers a little "There is no one to save me"

Tony looked down again, that line just feels like another stab the to the heart. Pen thought he wouldn't be there to save her... and he wasn't

"I'm past saving"

"No one is past saving Pen" Tony told the girl. She raised an eyebrow and looked at Wanda and Steve who stared at her confused "Alright some people are past saving" Tony said making them look at him offended while the others laughed "But you aren't. No where close to past saving"

Toomes took a step back no expecting her words, and not expecting the cold and detached tone she told them in "I know how my story ends, it's at the edge of a blade or a barrel of a gun" she takes a step closer to Toomes and he takes a step back "So the question is, is that going to be today? That going to be that gun?"

Penny and Toomes just stare at each other. Toomes looks around before shooting the alien powered gun four times. Penny dodges each one "You have shit aim" Penny said. Toomes only smiled at her "I wasn't aiming for you"

Creaking is heard, Pen spider senses went crazy. Just as she looked up did four of the foundation pillars explode "Ah!" The building collapsed. Right on top of Penny.

The hall screamed seeing the 16 year old at the time getting buried under rubble of a building "This is what you meant in the first few memories. Getting trapped under a building" Tony whispered horrified seeing the girl he thinks of as a daughter being buried alive

Penny only nodded watching her young self struggling to breath

Fire surrounded the building. Under thousands of pounds of rubble Pen lay on her stomach, pieces of rocks on her back keeping her there. Her face was bloody cuts on her head, her hair matted with blood and dirt

As she coughs blood shot out, her breathing was heavy. She tried getting up only to fall back down. The rubble was too heavy

Tony holds Pepper hand tightly as Ned and MJ hold each other and May holds Happy. None of them knew she was trapped, none would have known if this wasn't shown

"Help! Help Me!!" Penny screamed before coughing up more blood "Please! I'm over here!! I'm here!!"

Everyone flinched at Penny screams. May and the other women started crying seeing her hurt and the look on her face. It's like she knows no body is going to save her

"Please! I'm over here" Penny voice became a whisper. She looked at the ground where her mask laid in a puddle of water. Her reflection stared back at her, half her face covered with the mask the other half showed her face covered in her own blood

[If your nothing with your suit. Then you shouldn't have it] Penny takes a deep breath [He believed that if you could do good things for other people you had a moral obligation to do those things. That's what's as stake here, not choice. Responsibility] Her eyes start to glow pink [I love Penny, use this power for good] Her hair turns brown with pink highlights

"Come on Penny. Your stronger then this. You're stronger than you think. You're stronger than anyone knows" Penny muttered as she pushed her arms off the ground. Her magic started wrapping around her and the rubble "Come on Spider-Woman. Come on!" She yelled

From an outside view of the rubble everything was quiet and dark before pink light starts to shine out of the rubble. Toomes looked back seeing the light getting brighter.

Happy from Start tower looks out the window seeing pink light coming from outside. His eyes widen before he pulled out his phone

Everyone eyes widen seeing the pink light becoming so bright that Happy can see it. Stephen and May smile knowing what this means

The pile of rubble starts to shake before it explodes. The light wraps around the rocks crushing them to dust as Penny stands in the middle. Eyes glowing pink, her brown hair and pink highlights, her magic is wrapped around her lifting her off the ground

The hall was silent before the girls started cheering "I want to be like you when I grow up!" Ginny yelled looking at Penny who smiled. Not many people wanted to be like her

With a flick of her wrist she flys towards Toomes landing in front of him "How?" He asked shocked

"You were right. No one was coming to save me. So I saved myself" Penny said before shooting a web at his wings and pulled him forward before kicking his stomach sending him backwards

"Queen!" Someone shouted making Penny laugh and Stephen nod in agreement

Toomes groans as he hits the ground. Sitting up he fires his gun as Penny who back flips out of the way landing in a crouch. She looked back up to see Toomes flying away, when she saw his wings her eyes widen. The wings were smoking

Shooting two webs at his wings she tries pulling him back again "Let go!" He yelled but she pulled harder "I'm trying to save you!" She yelled back. Seeing more smoke coming out of the wings she knew it wouldn't matter how quickly she got to him, they would still explode. Thinking fast she twist her left arm directing him towards the ocean

Just as the wings exploded Toomes went smashing into the water. The explosion knocked the plane off course, sending it down, moving faster than she could think Penny webs the wings of the plane pulling them up "Agh!" She screamed in pain as she pulled back

Moving the plane with all her strength she makes it land on the beach. She felt to her knees coughing up more blood. "Just one more." She muttered lifting her hand. Her magic floated towards the water before bringing Toomes out and webbing him to the plane.

Hearing people starting to head her way she stopped her magic letting her eyes and hair go back to normal before swinging away
