Hate inside

Normal- when people in the hall are talking

Talking- When people in the memories are talking

Dialogue- What is happening in the memoires

Music- What's playing


"This next video is something you guys need to pay attention too" The voice rung out "This is going to open a lot of your eyes" Some shared a look while Penny only waited for something bad to happen

The walls of freedom

"Everyone keeps asking me how I am" 14-year-old Penny sits at the table talking to may

Come crumbling down

Penny and Ned are in Europe walking down the streets "I'm okay. Okay" Penny tells him as they walk "I swear the next person who asks me if I'm okay, I'm gonna start throwing punches" Ned looks at her worry in his eyes
"I'm fine" 18 year old Penny tells Stephen 

"No you're not" Ned tells her making Penny look down

The moment you put those chains

Penny sits on the floor looking ahead "I'm good" she tells Tony
Happy and Pepper are standing in front of a teary eye Penny "Said I'm fine" Pepper lays a hand on her shoulder "We know how close you were with Tony..." Penny shrugs her hand off "Really Mrs. Stark I'm fine"

Pepper looks hurt Penny called her Mrs. Stark but knows it's her way of pulling back. Pulling away so she won't get hurt again by losing someone she loves

Around you now

Back to 14 year old Penny and May "And how I am is...I don't want to talk about it" May opens her mouth but thinks better than to say anything

Like liquid poison

"I want to fight" Penny told MJ walking past her 

It takes it's toll

Penny slides down the wall crying
Penny smashes her mirror 

People wince seeing Penny hand starting to bleed because of the glass "Kid" Tony whispers bringing her into a hug

Black feathered arrows 

Beck shooting the AI to shoot at Penny
Penny getting shot in the arm

That pierce your soul

Penny holds onto May trying not to cry
Penny laying her head on Tony body sobs falling from her lips

Everyone with their parents hold them tightly, as Ginny and Ron hold Fred and George. None want to think of, what it will be like to hold both your mother and father figure in their arms as they die 

The hate inside
Will eat you alive

Penny starts fighting the drones trying to stop Beck
"I said leave!" she yells at Stephen  

The hate inside
Will eat you alive 

Flash pushes Penny into a locker making her glare at him
Someone pushes Ned into the pool. Penny 'accidently' knocks him over

The hate inside
Will eat you alive  

"I'm fine! What don't you get about that!" 15 year old Penny yelled at May slamming her bedroom door shut

Better not
Better not
Try to keep it 

Penny walks away fighting back her anger
Penny hitting the green goblin over and over again
Penny destroying everything in her room  

Penny doesn't even blink when it shows her attacking the green goblin. She doesn't feel sorry for that, no matter what the others say

You better not
Better not
Try to keep
The hate inside

"Penny open up!" May bangs on the door. Penny turns on her side ignoring the banging
Penny start punching a punching bag breaking it

This fury's burning
Inside your chest 

Penny yells out in anger her powers throwing Stephen into the wall 
"You're angry and I get it-" "You don't get it! You never will!" 13 year old Penny shouts at Ben 

It steals the air out
From your breath 

Penny lays on the grass breathing heavily "You have so much hate inside you" 
"I'm fine"
she tells Stephen closing her eyes

"No Penny you're not" Tony looks down to the girl who's clinging onto him like he might disappear if she lets go "And that's okay. Nobody is expecting you to be fine after all that" Penny doesn't say anything as she hides her face in his side
