I Needed you

Normal- when people in the hall are talking

Talking- When people in the memories are talking

Dialogue- What is happening in the memoires

Music- What's playing



"The next memoire is how Penny reacted after May death after the spell took affect and the other will be just before Stephen brought everyone here" Penny family gasp looking at May as Penny stilled in her seat "Pen" May looked at her Niece "Penny look at me" she got up to kneel in front of Penny "Pen, how did I die?"

"Shot, just like Ben....You died in my arms just like Ben did" Penny cries as May pulls her into a hug "You left me! You promised you wouldn't leave me" May runs her hand through Penny hair as everyone looked at her feeling sympathy for the young girl "We are going to fix this okay Pen. I won't allow you to lose anymore family" Stephen moves over a little so May can sit in between him and Penny

Penny nodded but still held onto her aunt, the hall smiled at them expect Penny bio-family, especially Lily who was glaring at May. 'I should be the one holding her not some woman' she thinks before James nudges her

Penny is standing in a filed of flowers no one around for miles. She looks down at her phone looking at a voicemail from May, the last one she has. Pressing the button she puts the phone to her ear "Hey Pen! I just saw the news, everything is going to be okay you hear me? It will be okay! You will always have me with you, I am not going anywhere, I promise you" May voice flows down the phone "I love you Penny call me back" Penny looks at the phone before looking at the sky "What am I supposed to do? WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO!" She yells running her hands through her hair

Everyone jumped not expecting her to start yell but they all have tears in their eyes seeing the girl so broken

She screams falling to her knees "You promised! You promised you wouldn't leave! You said you would be here!" she screams sobbing her hair turning brown with pink highlights her magic surrounding her almost like it was trying to protect her from the world around her "You promised" she sobbed head to the ground "Come back to me! I need you! Please Aunt May, please don't leave me alone! Please, please, please, please. Don't leave me alone" her voice gets softer with every word until it's nothing but a whisper

"Oh Penny" May held her niece close to her "I am not leaving this time, you understand me. I am not leaving this time" she kissed Penny head holding her tightly as everyone watch sadly they couldn't imagine the pain Penny is in everyone she ever loved forgetting her, they wouldn't survive

"The next memory is just before everyone was brought here" The voice said making some jump

Penny is standing in front of two graves 'Benjamin Franklin Parker Beloved Husband, Brother, Son and Uncle' 'May Reilly Parker Beloved Wife, Friend and Daughter' Penny stares at May gravestone knowing it should say Aunt instead just like Ben says Uncle

She keeps staring that she doesn't notice someone walk next to her until they lay a rose on May gravestone "Did you know her?" Penny turns to see Happy next to her "Yeah, she uh....looked after me when I had no one" Happy looks at Penny with narrowed eyes "Have we met before?" Penny looks at him hopefully before stopping herself "No. No we haven't"

"What? Why didn't I know you?" Happy asked sure the kid got on his nerves but he would never leave her when she just lost her last family member "And why did my grave say Friend and not Aunt?" May added. Seeing Penny didn't want to talk Stephen spoke up for her "This was after the spell took place, when Penny said no one remembered her it's true. No one in the world did, expect for me. It was like Penny Parker was never born"

James and Lily gasp, if the world forgot Penny Parker does that mean they forgot Rose Potter, they are the same people but maybe they can use this, if people don't know Penny Parker, then they can get her back as Rose Potter

Penny looks at the graves one more time before turning around, she pulls up her hood trying to keep the tears back as Happy stares after her, looking confused like he should remember something. Day turns into night and Penny is on top of the statue of Liberty holding four pictures

One of Ben, One of May, one of Ned and MJ and One of Tony but what all these pictures have in conmen is gap next to them, like someone is missing from the pictures

"You're not even in pictures now" Pepper gasp, as she looks at the picture of Tony. It was when Penny declined to the an Avenger, Tony and Penny took a picture of her holding a Stark Intern degree and Tony did the bunny ears over Pen head. Now the picture is just of Tony holding up the Bunny ears but no one in front of him

May looks at the photo of her, she knows that photo. They took it weeks after Ben died, it was the first time Penny smiled, they spent the day at the park eating and running around. May took the picture as Penny kissed her cheek and now it's only a picture of her smile and no Penny. She also looks at the picture of Ben, it was when Penny first came to live with them, Penny was so happy because he took her to the station, he was holding her on his hip now it's only a picture of Ben smiling

Ned and MJ look at the photo of them, a gap in the middle. They look it just last week at the dance before Penny ran off to fight the vulture but now it's just Ned and MJ smile with Penny missing

"I was erased from everything" Penny told them staring at the photos and then her family she misses them so much

Tears fall onto the photos, Penny looks at them with so much longing and pain it hurts to see them and remember her friends don't remember her. They remember Spider-Woman, but not Penny Parker "I really need you guys. I wish someone would remember me" she looks down at the city her eyes glowing pink as she sees a mugging happening. Taking a deep breath she pulls on her mask, tucks the photos in her bag hiding her bag before jumping

The hall screamed seeing Penny jump from that high "Rose!" Lily yelled making some wince as Penny glares at her "My name isn't Rose" Penny snapped

Penny snaps her wrist activating her web shooters swinging building to building to stop the mugger from hurting the woman. The screen fades out before showing Penny wearing blue jeans, a black top and a black zip up her bag on her back walking down the street in the dark. Her hood cover her face, she walks down the street when she feels someone following her

Looking over her shoulder, she turns into a ally and climbs up the latter onto the roof of a building. As soon as she sees some shadow following her, she starts running jumping from roof to roof with her magic she pushes herself into the air flying

"You can fly?" Tony asked looking at his kid- his intern. Yep only his intern "Yeah learned how to control my magic when I was little, since then I tried different things with them. Flying is just one"

Looking down she sees she lost the person, breathing a sigh of relief, she fly's to her hideout landing gently on her feet before entering. It's an abandon warehouse at the edge of town close to her apartment

"Your base is an abandon warehouse?" Steve asked looking at Penny who glared at him "How about you look at the screen before you ask question in a judgmental way" Tony snaps at Steve before Penny can say anything

Enter the warehouse, it's filled with technology, Penny made herself, the floors are wood, paintings all around the wall, on the upper levels is a small living room, an office, a full bathroom and bedroom

"I bought the place" Penny said looking at Steve "I saved enough money since I was 7 to live a comfortable life" Natasha raised any eyebrow at Penny but she doesn't even look at her. She doesn't like Natasha not after what she did telling Tony to watch his back, it's stupid

"Wake up sweetie" Penny threw her bag near the door "Hey mom, how was your day?" A voice said

Some people jumped as the looked at the screen confused on where that voice came from "You made your own AI" Tony gasp looking at Penny proudly "I did, her name is Jade, I remember you telling me you liked the name for when I would make my own AI" Tony smiled tears in his eyes

"An, AI?" Harry asked his sister "AI stands for Artificial intelligence" she told him not even looking at him making him huff

"It was okay, did you make those files for me?" Jade pulled up files showing a picture of Penny but instead of Penny Parker, it has Penny Jameson, May's madden name "Everything is done, mom. To the world, you did online school since first grade until you finished high school. You lived on your own since you were 8 after you ran away from foster care and have been building teach for years"

The stupid people looks at Penny confused on why she made fake files on her "Penny Parker doesn't excites anymore remember. I need a new identity so I used May's madden name. Nobody knows her old last name, if I ran away from foster care at 8 and did online school on my own nobody will question why they never heard of me" Tony looked at Penny sadly

While he is happy she made an AI he hates the first thing she used it for was to survive without her family there for her. This wasn't what he wanted

"Thanks sweetie" Penny walks to the back of the room wear a punching bag and weights are. Wrapping her hands she starts punching the bag softly when a portal opened above her and Stephen flew down

"Penny" Stephen brought her into a hug as she stood there stunned "Stephen" her muffle voice asked pulling away "How? How are you here? How do you remember?" Stephen held her face in his hands "You wished with your magic for someone to remember you. You're magic reached out to mine. I remember everything" Penny takes a shaky step back

"It's been 3 weeks since the spell took place Stephen! 2 weeks since I made that wish! How long have you known!" Stephen doesn't say anything instead looks down shamefully. Penny shakes her head and starts punching the bag again "I needed you two weeks ago!" she told him "I needed you when I woke up and no one remembered! When I visited May grave! When I saw MJ and Ned! When I cut myself! I needed you!" she keeps punching, her magic surrounding her hands, her hair going from red to brown and pink highlights her eyes glowing pink

May looks at Penny before her wrist that are cover with her jacket "Penny" May said catching the silent hall attention "Show me your wrist" Penny quickly pulled her hands away from May "No" Penny shook her head standing up along with May, Tony, Pepper, James and Lily

"Rose Potter show me your wrist now!" James said grabbing Penny by the arm and pulling her sleeve up showing bandages wrapped around her wrist. The hall gasp but not at Penny wrist but at James Potter grabbing her like that when she clearly didn't want to be touched, before he can rip the bandages off, Tony and Rhodey pushes him away as Pepper and May pull Penny into them

Stephen gently pulls Penny sleeve backdown not wanting to touch the wrapping in case it hurts her more than it already is. Penny used a hand made knife she made to stop her healing "Stay away from my daughter" Tony snapped "Stay away from my niece" Rhodey added both glaring at James

Srirus grabbed James shaking his head at James, who looked around finally realizing everyone just saw him manhandle his daughter. Stephen grabbed Penny out of May and Pepper hold bringing her down to sit on his lap as he held her, Pepper and May sit on either side of Stephen and Tony and Rhodey sat behind them

The bag is blown off the chain hitting the wall as Penny magic lashes out "When I took those pills, and cut my wrist! When I felt like nothing was going to get better! When I felt so alone! I needed you! I needed you and you've known for two weeks and didn't come and see me!" she magic sets the computer on fire "You weren't there! You left me! Just like everyone else did! You promised me you would find me when you remember! You promised" Stephen quickly brings Penny into a hug

Her magic calms down as her knees give up and she falls into Stephen who lowers them to the ground "You promised I wouldn't have to go through this alone" she cries into his chest. Stephen kissed her head "I know, I am so sorry Penny I should have found you when I remembered. I am so sorry" he picked her up and walked up stairs setting her down on the sofa grabbing her wrist

Seeing them wrapped up he looks up for her permission to look, she only nods her head. He gently unwraps them seeing three cuts on each wrist "Why aren't you healing?" Penny looks to the side where a metal knife lays "It's made to stop my healing for a couple of days. The pain helps me forget" Stephen looks up at her running a hand down her cheek before standing up and getting the first aid kit

He stiches up her cuts and wraps them before pulling her onto his lap "I got you" he whispers kissing her head holding her tightly

Tony and Rhodey glare at Stephen but they are glad he's there for Penny even if took his two weeks to get to her, they are glad he got there before it became to late to save her
