Penny Dancing

Normal- when people in the hall are talking

Talking- When people in the memories are talking

Dialogue- What is happening in the memoires


"Alright next set is Penny dancing for different reasons" A voice said "The first one was when her uncle Ben died" Penny and May look down at the reminder of Ben, Pen still feels like it was her fault he died, she should have been faster. May sends Penny a look almost like she knew what her niece was thinking 

The memory starts, Penny who looks to be 14 is sitting in a room alone before music starts playing  

The hall is silent as they watch Penny dance most feel bad for her as from the song and the way she's dancing she really is in pain from the lose of her uncle. May has tears in her eyes, she remembers when Penny wouldn't even listen to music after Ben died then one day she came home to music playing 

She walked towards Penny dance room that Ben made her to see her dancing with tears on her face before she feel to the ground sobbing. May had never seen her niece so heartbroken before and when Pen start crying in front of them today she felt like she was losing her Penny all over again 

"The next video will be her dancing after her best friend Gwen died" Pen closes her eyes remembering Gwen, they were 8 and playing in front of Gwen house when a drunk driver came speeding down the road. Gwen dad went inside for a second when he heard Penny screaming and yelling out for him, when he went back outside he saw 8 year old Penny holding his daughter in her arms crying

Penny remembered when Gwen parents moved away, they still kept in contact but when Stephan made the world forget Penny Parker, the calls stopped, the text stopped, meeting up every year on Gwen death day stopped. Everything stopped 

This time a 8 year old Penny is shown in the same room as before, but she's wearing tights and a shirt with her hair in a bun "How old are you there?" Lily ask, Pen doesn't look at her "8, Gwen died in a hit and run"

"And your dancing because?" Harry asked his twin not understanding why she was dancing "To help release emotions, I can't express my sadness like others, so I do it by dance" Harry shrugs "That's stupid" Penny took a deep breath looking over at her suppose brother "Let me ask you something Harry, have you ever had someone you love die in front of you?" 

Harry shakes his head "No, then how about you shut up!" she says sharply "I held Gwen in my arms as she took her last breath. Her father ran out his house to see me holding the body of his daughter! Of my best friend! My sister! So don't tell me the way I express my emotions is stupid because until you have someone you love die in front of you, you can't comment on how I handle my grief" 

Harry shrunk down as glares were being thrown his way, not just by Penny family but also by other people who had seen loved one die in front of them. They all have different ways of expressing their emotions and it's not right for Harry to tell Penny that her way is stupid 

The voice speaks up again "This dance is when everyone that blipped was brought back and when Penny found out Tony died" Pepper grabbed Tony hand needing a reminder that her boyfriend is still with her and alive 

Penny is 17 but this time she's on a stage in an open room with only one person in the back. She's wearing shorts with a sport bra, when the dance is done she turns around

"What are you doing here?" Penny asked. The man got up and stepped into the light showing Stephen who looked like he hadn't aged a day "Had to make sure your okay" Stephen walks on stage standing in front of her. The two had gotten closer during the five years they spent in the mind stone 

"5 years!" The Avengers look to Penny and Stephen "Why do you think I still look 18 when I should be around 21, and Stephen still looks 22 when he should be 27. When the blip happened, people dusted for 5 years to the rest of the world but to us it was only 5 hours" 

Penny crosses her arms looking at him "Hmm, I'm fine" she shrugs grabbing her bag and putting on her sneakers "You say that a lot, do you really mean it?" Pen sighed getting up "Yep, I mean it. I really am fine and I have to go, May is expecting me at home soon" 

Penny starts walking away leaving Stephen on the stage "You can't hide what you feel. Sooner or later it's going to boil over and explode" Stephen yelled after her "Let it explode!" she yells back walking out of the room   

"Pen..." Happy trails off, no matter what he say he does care for the kid. After what happened he feels like he has to watch over her to protect her "I'm fine" Penny shrugs cuddling into Stephen for safety 
