
Everyone in the hall are whispering about what they just saw. At team Iron Man table everyone is eating while talking silently to the person next to them expect Penny who is pushing her food around with her fork "Pen, please eat" Stephen begged, he hasn't seen her eat in 2 days. Penny doesn't say anything, sighing he whips his mouth since he was done eating and wraps his arms around her waist bringing her closer to her, "Stephen" Penny squeaks 

He grabs an empty plate and filled it up with rice, chicken, a side salad with water. He cuts the chicken in small pieces before scooping some rice on the fork and holding it up to Penny "Stephen I can eat by myself, I-" Stephen cuts her off by stuffing the rice in her mouth making her glare at him "I know you can eat by yourself but your not" he takes some chicken holding it up to her mouth "Please Penny, you haven't eaten in 2 days. Do this for me" he begs

Penny sighed but took a bite out of the chicken making him smile, he continues to feed her the rice, chicken and salad talking quietly in between every bit. The rest of the table looks at the two. May, Pepper and MJ smile at them as Tony, Rhodey, Ned and Happy glare at Stephen but they are glad he is getting her to eat. Thor and Bruce smile at the two, though they don't know a lot about Penny they can see she means a lot to Tony and Pepper so she means a lot to them

At Team Captain America table Natasha and Clint are eating while talking about what they found out as Wanda and Steve are talking about what they're going to do when they get back home, finally having enough with the silent treatment from his team he turned to Natasha and Clint "Okay, what is the matter with you two?" the two look at him face blank "You haven't spoken one word to me since we got here"

"What did you think would happen when we got the truth Steve? You told us that nobody got hurt, that we didn't need to stick around and help. Only to find out that 20 and more people got hurt, the Wanda almost killed two kids, you threw a airport terminal on Penny, everyone knew she was a new superhero at the time and you still threw it. You didn't know if she could hold it up on her own, you didn't know if she could even hold it! You almost killed her" Clint ranted staring at the two 

"Let's not forget how Tony reacted when you yelled. Why did he cover his arc reactor? What did you do to Tony that he flinched so bad his first instinct was to protect his reactor?" Natasha questioned. Steve looked down, he never told his team what happened in that bunker. Natasha and Clint scoff "Until you tell us what really happened, we can't trust you" Natasha told him as her and Clint went back to talking

Wanda rest a hand on his shoulder, he gives her a smile before looking down at his food making Wanda frown before glaring over at Penny and Tony, it was their fault he was sad. Penny looked up when she felt eyes on her, her eyes connected with Wanda, smirking she glows her pink eyes before turning back to Stephen 

At the Gryffindor table The Potters are sitting together with the Lupin-Blacks and the Weasley eating as Lily, James and Harry are talking about ways to get Penny away from team Iron Man and back with them. Sirius and Remus share a look, they want their niece back but if Lily, James and Harry continue this way they will only push her away more. 

Ginny was frowning at her boyfriend, she doesn't understand why he's acting this way. Sure he was always a little spoiled but he was acting like Penny had to go with them and he keeps calling her Rose even when she said many times her name is Penny. Sharing a look with Ron and the twins they decided when they have a chance they will talk with Penny, she seemed cool and looked like she could use some more friends 

Soon lunch was done and everyone got up ready to watch more of Penny life. The tables turned back to sofas, everyone took a seat, Penny in between Stephen and May. Tony, Pepper and Rhodey sitting on another sofa on their left while Happy, Ned and MJ seat on the sofa on their right. "Excuse me?" A voice caught their attention

Turning her head Penny sees four red heads, one girl, and three boys. Two who are twins "Hi, I'm Ginny Weasley, these are my brother Ron, Fred and George Weasley. We where wondering if we can sit with you guys, we would like to know more about you" Ginny played with her hair a nervous habit. Penny looked at them seeing they mean no harm "Of course" May moves over making room for the four of them

They smile taking a seat, not caring about Harry look of betrayal "Alright, these next set of videos will be clips of different people with Penny" the voice spoke up "Let's get started" the lights dimmed and the screen turned on               
