I'm Fine

Normal- when people in the hall are talking

Talking- When people in the memories are talking

Dialogue- What is happening in the memoires

Music- What's playing


Music starts as, an 8 year old Penny is running around with a blond girl with blue eyes chasing her both smiling

"Gwen" Penny whispers seeing her sister before realizing this was the day she died. The rest of the hall smiled seeing young Penny smiling and laughing 

Penny now in the middle of the road, holding Gwen body as she screams and cries as Daniel, Gwen father comes running towards the girls

People gasp they weren't ready for that happy memory to turn into such a dark on. Penny gets tears in her eyes, that was just the first of friends to leave her. It wouldn't be the last 

When did I become so numb?

Penny is standing at the funeral looking numb as no tears fall down her face as her sister gets lowered into the ground with Ben and May standing beside her. It then changes to her Uncle Ben funeral with Penny standing beside May looking down at her Uncle casket looking tired but not crying 

When did I lose myself?

15 year old Penny is sitting in her apartment laughing with May, before the scene changes to 18 year old her pushing open an door to an empty apartment 

All the words that leave my tongue 

13 year old Penny and Ben are arguing with May standing in the background "I hate you!" Penny yelled at her uncle before storming out of the apartment 

Feels like they came from someone else

Penny hides her face in Stephen shoulder, she shouldn't have left the apartment, if she didn't Ben wouldn't have gone after her and he wouldn't have been shot. Her uncle death is on her. Like he knew what she was thinking Stephen pulls her closer to him rubbing her back 

I'm paralyzed
Where are my feelings?
I no longer feel things
I know I should

Shots of Penny staring at nothing either looking numb or angry. Penny is on her knees looking at Tony who just snapped, tears in her eyes but none falling, then Penny kneeing over May dead body before she looks up anger is the only thing you can see  "I'm fine" she tells Ned

Pepper, Happy and Rhodey gasp seeing half of Tony face burnt as MJ, Ned and May gasp seeing May dead in the future. Some students scream seeing two dead bodies as the rest look at Penny in pity knowing she already went through this 

I'm paralyzed
Where is the real me?

Penny is stuck in the holograms mirrors around her showing different versions of herself, she screams holding her head as she falls to her knees 

"Oh Penny" Pepper heart hurts for the girl, when Tony started hanging out with Penny she saw a change in him, a great change and now she's come to think of Penny as her own daughter so seeing her so broken makes her feel like she failed in protecting her

I'm lost and it kills me
I'm paralyzed

Penny is standing on top of the Statue of Liberty tears in her eyes, blood on her face and suit "I have no one" she tells Stephen who stands behind her before she turns around facing him "I'll be fine" 

"Penny you have us" Tony pointed to him, Pepper, Rhodey, MJ, Ned and May "And we are going to fix this Pen, okay? This future won't happen" Penny looks at him and for the first time since his death she felt a sense of Hope "Okay" 

When did I become so cold?

"Something big is going down. End of the world big" Ned tell her making Penny yell "Then let it end!" Ned takes a step back looking into Penny eyes but she turns away 

When did I become ashamed? (Oh)
Where's the person that I know?

Penny is washing her hands when she looks up in the bathroom mirror staring at herself before she punch's the mirror breaking it 

Mostly everyone jumped hearing the glass break "Pen" Ned whispered hating to see his sister like this

They must have left
They must have left
With all my faith

She continues to trash her bathroom ripping stuff off the wall, she goes to her living room and sees the photos of her and May, her and Ben, her and Tony and her and her friends. She grabs the lamp throwing it into the wall before she slides down the wall crying 

I'm paralyzed 

Penny is laying on the ground next to Stephen both looking at the stars "I'm fine" she tells him. The camera zooms in on her eyes before the screen goes black

Crying could be heard all over the hall as everyone is silent none knowing how to process what they just saw. This young woman who is only 18 has gone through so much in her life starting from, who knows how young she was

"Pen-" Penny cut Tony off staying close to Stephen "I'm fine" nobody say anything but they all think it 'No your not' 

