Lunch (Filler chapter)

'I think it's time for lunch' The voice said changing the room back to the tables. Team Iron Man at their table only this time they were joined my Ginny, Ron, Fred and George. Natasha and Clint as well as Sirius and Remus 

Stephen and Penny sat together near the end of the table whispering to each other "I don't know, Steph. How do I know they didn't actually leave me as well?" Penny asked eyeing Sirius and Remus who were talking to each other, she knows one of them is her godfather she just doesn't know who 

"If they did leave you then it's there biggest mistake" Stephen whispered back bringing her attention to him once again "But you won't know unless you talk to them" Penny sighed knowing he was right, she did need to talk to them "I will" 

At the Gryffindor table everyone was whispered about what they found out about the missing Potter and that the boy-who-lived isn't actually the boy-who-lived. Which for some of them should have been obvious since he never showed much talent when it came magic. The only thing he succeeds at is quidditch 

Harry looked around the hall with a red face, how dare his pathic sister come here and ruin everything, he swears to everything holy that when they get her back home, he's going to make her pay for what's she's done "Don't worry Son" James set a hand on his shoulder "She won't get away with this" 

"You're father's right, sweetie." Lily looked at her son "Once she comes home we can set her up with a nice pureblood wizard and make sure she stays in line" The others around them looked at the family in disgust. While some of them care about blood statues it's disgusting to hear Lily talking like that when she herself is a muggle born and her kids are half-bloods   

At the other end of the hall sat two people who were glaring at team iron man "I can't believe them" Steve glared at Natasha and Clint "So what, I hurt Stark a little it doesn't mean anything" the way he sees it, Stark was the one at fault. He attacked them, and he protected himself and his friend

Of course he glides over the fact that if Tony really wanted to hurt the two of them, he could have used any of the guns in his suits or the lasers that could cut through medal like breed but of course to him, jus because Stark threw some punches at him, he was allowed to almost kill the man 


 I would just like to say please don't comment update on my stories I have a schedule and I will stick with it. Week 1 and 3 are the weeks I write new chapters for my books and weeks 2 and 4 are the weeks I update them. I have 16 books out so far, please don't rush me

Sunday: New Start Grays Anatomy and Fast Lane

Monday: His light and Forgotten

Tuesday: Britain's Queen and Riddle and the Ancient Contract

Wednesday: Together Again and New Generation and Changes

Thursday: Give us a chance and Save Me

Friday: Spencer's Skater and Twist of Fate and Fire on Fire

Saturday: Not Alone Anymore and I got you
