Ned & Penny

Normal- when people in the hall are talking

Talking- When people in the memories are talking

Dialogue- What is happening in the memoires

Music- What's playing


"The first clips will be of Ned and Penny" Penny and Ned smile at each other, they've been friends since they were in preschool. Out of everyone she lost, loosing Ned hurt the most, while she loved May and Tony, it was Ned who picked her up when she feel, it was Ned who helped patch her up after the building feel on her, it was Ned who tried to stop the bullying. Ned was there when others weren't 

When we were young we were the ones
The kings and queens oh yeah, we ruled the world

2-year-old Penny is playing in the sandbox when someone pushes Ned to the ground. Penny jumps up pushing the boy over and helping Ned up "I'm Penny" Penny smiled "I'm Ned". Penny and Ned run around in a play castle 

We smoked cigarettes, man, no regrets

14 year old Ned is trying a cigarette before coughing while 14-year-old Penny is next to him laughing her face turning red 

"Ned!" May turned to the boy who blushed "It was a dare!" he defended himself as people laugh 

Wish I could relive every single word

"You're my best Friend Penny!" Ned shouts over the music 

We've taken different paths
And travelled different roads

14-year-old Penny and Ned do their handshake before walking away from each other
17-year-old Penny gives Ned a hug before jumping out the bus window on her way to help Tony

I know we'll always end up on the same one when we're old

18-year-old Penny and Ned meet up, Penny in her Spider-suit, cuts over her face but she doesn't care. She hug Ned tightly as MJ and Happy run up behind them

And when you're in the trenches
And you're under fire I will cover you

Penny is thrown into a bus, just as she was going to be hit, Ned came from behind one and shot a web from Penny extra web shooter making the Vulture flee. Penny looks at him relief covering her face

If I was dying on me knees
You would be the one to rescue me

Penny just done fighting with the Vulture lands in front of Ned who was waiting in an ally by the school. Ned runs towards her catching her just as she starts to fall holding her to his chest 

And if you were drowned at sea
I'd give you my lungs so you could breath

10-year-old Ned and Penny are at the beach, Ned yelling for someone to save him as he tries to keep his head above water. Penny seeing no life guard runs into the water swimming as fast as she could to save her friend, just as he goes under, she grabs his arms swimming back to shore as adults start to dive in to help

I've got you brother-er-er-er

Ned is hugging a 8 year old Penny after Gwen funeral as she cries into his chest

I've got you brother-er-er-er

Penny pushes Ned out of the way of a bullet, both fall on the ground 

Everyone gasped seeing a bullet almost hit Ned and Penny "We're okay" Penny told Tony, May and Pepper who were looking at the worry swimming in their eyes

I've got you brother-er-er-er

Penny and Ned one last time both have tears in their eyes knowing soon Ned will forget about his sister "You're my sister Pen. I always love you" "I love you too" they both cry before letting go 

I've got you brother-er-er-er

Everyone is either  crying or have tears in their eyes. Ned and Penny look at each other before jumping up and hugging each other "You're my sister Penny. I love you, okay? And you will never live without me again" he promises

Harry glares at Ned, he was her brother, he was her twin not some fat kid. Once they get Rose back he will make sure she cuts all contact with everyone in her old life. Soon Ned and Penny sit back down, May moved to Ned seat so Ned can sit next to Penny as the Weasleys move over a little so they have room

