Kidnapping Troye Sivan

When we walked into the airport terminal that Troye would be in we were surrounded by fans, like at least thirty of them. So Tyler told me to go wait for Troye then bring him back to them or they would meet me by the baggage claim. So I am currently waiting for a person who I know like my best but he doesn't even know I exist, it sounds sad but it's not really because it's not their fault they don't know people they haven't even met. I saw a bunch of people exit the plane and I was searching for basically an angel from heaven to bless me with his presence.

Ok I need to calm down and that to short...him, no to tall... him...yes it has to be. I ran over to the person and tapped on his shoulder, he turned around not him. I walked back to my original place and stood on my tippy toes, I started walking around looking over the tops of people's heads.

"Oh come on, its not that hard to find him you've seen him a hundred times. Well not in person of course but." Just then I crashed into a late thirties looking man and fell to the ground as he just glared at me.

"Watch were your going!" He said rudely walking away.

"Sorry!" I yelled as he walked away grumbling about how stupid kids are. I brushed my self off and stood up to see none other then Troye Sivan heading towards me.

"Hey are you ok? I saw that rude old man bump into you are you ok." He said looking concerned.

"Yah, I'm ok I was just looking for...well you then I walked into him." I said smiling.

"Hey, I know you. You look very familiar." He said as realization was hitting him.

"I get that a lot." I said mentioning for me to follow. He just stood there.

"I'm gonna stay here and wait for my friends.I dint think I should be leaving with a teenage girl." He said nicely looking around.

"I thought you knew me? And I just turned sixteen last month well three weeks" I said trying to convince him to come.

"Oh yeah I remember I saw your instagram." He said smiling, I put my hand to my head.

"I really hope your joking." I said thinking about all the stupid things I've posted in the last week.

"It's Alicia Oakley right?" He said tilting his head sideways and putting his hand in his hair.

Oh my god it's so freaking adorable calm down and answer his question.

"Um, yeah." I said trying to act cool.

"Have you met Tyler yet? I heard he was here earlier." He said still looking adorable, I laughed a little and he looked at me like I was crazy.

"Sorry, I'm just not used to that question. I've know Tyler my whole life." I said trying not to laugh.

"Really, how?" He said confused.

"He's my older brother." I said as my phone rang, I picked it up really quick because my ringtone is Happy Little Pill.


T:where are you?

A:with Troye where are you?

T:did you kidnap him? I swear you better have not-

A:Tyler how am I supposed to kidnap him if one he's way bigger than me, two Zoë drived us here, and three I live with you!

T:just hurry up and get here

A: ok ok I'm going bai, love you.

T: love you, Bye.

I grabbed Troye's hand and pulled him in the direction of the baggage claim. He resisted at first but I was stronger so he just gave up.

"Tyler thinks I kidnapped you." I said as we walked over to them.

"I thought you were at first then I just thought-"

"Troyyyyeeee." Tyler yelled as he ran up and hugged Troye, I took a quick photo then put my phone away. I walked over to Zoë and showed her the picture, she squealed.

"Oh my gosh, that's like the cutest photo ever! Your really good at taking pictures you should be a photographer." She said looking at the photo then showing it to Alfie.

"Wow, that's proper good." He said looking at my phone.

"Its not that good" I said taking back my phone and putting it away.
