
"So your the girl Tyde fancies." The driver said who was much older than us.

"What does that mea-ohhhh." I said than started blushing as we started moving, Tyde punched him and smiled weakly.

"Are you excited for your time at a club?" The guy said turning the corner.

"Ummm, how did you know it was my first time?" I said looking at him confused.

"Your wearing a nice dress, it's your first time." He said looking at me through the mirror I just shrugged and looked out the window hoping that this dress wouldn't be ruined. Soon we arrived at this medium sized club, we parked and got out towards the club.

"Maybe we should go home-yah we should go home. We could go home what if Tyler or anyone needs us, they would figure out that we have left and then we would be in so muc-" I was cut off by Tyde grabbing my shoulders and looking in my eyes.

"Alicia calm down, we will be fine I do this all the time." He said grabbing my hand and pulling me inside the club, I was hit with the overwhelming smell of alcohol and sweat. I coughed and my head started to hurt, I hate this already.

"I'm going to get us something to drink." Tyde said excitedly, I grabbed his arm and he turned back at me.

"You can't drink." I said as he just looked at me and I let go, I followed him through sweaty body's grinding on each other. The only things running through my mind right now are "ew ew ew don't touch me, don't look at me. Keep your dirty hands off of me, don't touch Tyde either you nasty little-"

"Alicia, what would you like?" Tyde said as I was scowling at a girl staring at Tyde.

"Umm, nothing I'm not thirsty." I said still giving that girl looks as she just kept grinding on men looking at Tyde. Tyde wasn't paying attention to her but I was not going to let anything happen.

Tyde grabbed my hand and pulled me out into the group of body's dancing on each other making me feel sick and wishing I was back at the house. Tyde found some of his friends and started socializing while other random guys looked at me with perverted eyes.

"Tyde I don't like it, I want to go back." I said clinging onto his arm as one guy maybe three years or more older than us started to come closer.

"In a second, I'm just gonna stay a little longer." He said looking back at me with promising eyes, my heart fluttered and I let go of his arm and told him I was going outside.

"I'll be out soon." He said as I quickly made my way out I saw someone following me in the corner of my eye, I rushed outside of the club and saw Tyler opening the door for Troye getting out of a cab.

"Crap." I said a little to loud, Tyler turned around and squinted to look closer as Troye did the same.

"Alicia?" He said coming closer.

"No, I'm Bob." I said in a low voice turning around running back inside.

"Alicia you better get your a$$ over here RIGHT NOW!" He said raising his voice and coming walking faster than normal. I rushed inside but quickly got shoved against a wall by the guy from earlier, I quickly spit in his face and ran to Tyde grabbing his arm and pulling him out the back door.

"Woah, what's happening what's the matter?" He said as we ran outside from the back door.

"Tyler-Troye-outside-now." I said in between breaths. He pulled out his phone and called a cab, I saw Tyler and Troye come out after us as we got into the cab.

"That was way to close." Tyde said putting his phone away as I pulled out a makeup remover and wiped off my makeup. Tyde looked at me confused as wiped away all the evidence that I was ever out. I grabbed Tyler's cologne he left in my purse and sprayed him as he waved his arms and coughed.

"Why?!?" He said wiping his shirt with his arm.

"Because we can't be caught and you smell like alcohol. And rubbing it won't make it go away." I said giggling as I sprayed my perfume and opened the door as we got out and ran to the house.
