Troyler vs Tylica


The car ride back Tyde and I were trying not to strangle Lucas, we sent him so many glares if looks could hurt he would've been dead hours ago.

"I'm getting scared you guys are gonna kill me." Lucas said from in between Tyde and I.

"We just want anwsers." Tyde said seriously, I was trying so hard not to start laughing right then and there. They looked at me, and I tried to look serious.

"Yeah, anwser who put you up to this?" I said pointing a finger at him. He looked at us scared.

"Its not my fault they made me!" He said as the taxi stoped the car in front of the hotel, Lucas quickly paid and got out.

"Who?" I said looking around.

"Them!" He said but I didn't see where I was looking, Tyde grabbed my hand and started pulling me to Troyler who had a smug look on there faces. I looked down at our hands then looked back up and smiled, I heard Tyler awe and Troye make a cute face. I stopped smiling and glared at them as we got closer, I went up to Tyler and Tyde went to Troye.

"I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING AND YOU BETTER STOP!" We yelled at the same time, they looked confused then upset.

"How did you find out?" Tyler said starring at Lucas who was pretending to be on the phone.

"It was pretty obvious, he was flirting more than you and Troye. Well you and everybody." I said throwing my hands in the air as I talked. They started blushing and I literally started smiling soo much.

"Well you- I- don't come for me!" He said sassy still blushing.

"Awe,Tyler Oakley blushing. #Troyler!" I screamed out loud, Tyde started laughing and I could feel the death stares. Me and Tyde started making kissy lips at them making them even redder.

"Mmwwwa, mwwwaa, mwwwaa." Me and Tyde made kissing noises.

"Shut up at least I wasn't in the changing room with him." Tyler said mockingly, I stopped making kissing noises and got into his face.

"I'll kill him, besides the point I was fully clothed and we were talking about if we noticed your little stunt. You should plan better because now it war, you embarrass or plan something like that again we'll be better. Right Tyde... Tyde...TYDE!" I said turning around and looking at him like, hello?

"Right!" He said eventually, I shook my head and did the I'm watching you thing with your fingers and walked away. I turned around and grabbed Tydes arm.

"Lets go Tyde, you follow me." I said quietly, he laughed and followed me into the hotel and then like nothing just happened we hugged and went our separate ways.

The Next Day

I woke up to Anna shaking me awake, I rubbed my eyes and put on my glasses.

"Oh my god, why didn't you tell me you and Tyde were dating oh my god you guys are literally so cute!" She said fangirling, I grabbed her arms.

"We're not dating what are you talking about." I said getting up and putting my hands through my hair. She took her phone and showed me Tyler Oakley's new tweet. Tylica ship has sailed and sooo cute!!! Then it had a picture of me and Tyde holding hands and when we where hugging in the lobby. I screamed and quickly got dressed in a white long-sleeved shirt with a navy blue skirt with white birds on it, I did my hair because I have terrible bed head and I put a blue flower crown in my hair then put on shoes and stormed out the room to Tyler's room. I banged on the door so hard I could have broke it.

"Tyler, I swear to God I'm gonna kill you!" I screamed at him, I heard laughing and he opened up the door. I gave him the biggest glare ever.

"It looks like someone's upset, with Queen Tyler!" I heard someone say. I saw that Troye and Tyler were having an interview, Troye was on the bed laughing.

"I'll come back and kill Tyler later." I said turning around.

"No stay and tell us why you are upset." The guy said, I sat down and and glared at Tyler. "What's your name and what's going on?" He said intrigued.

"Well my evil, terrible brother Tyler Oakley, ships me and the Tyde Levi together and I do love Tyde but not- ok I like Tyde- oh my god me and Tyde are friends and Tyler takes pictures of us when it looks like we're doing things that couples do. And I was woke up by my friend freaking out literally screaming at me that she ships Tylica our ship name sooo hard she can't even." I said still glaring, Tyler put his hands up.

"I never said it was official-"

"Yes you did you said "oh my god Alicia Oakley is more fabulous than me and she is the best sister ever and the Tylica ship has sailed. But I'm saying right now that Tyde and I are not dating but I can tell you his is Troyler."

"No." They both said.

"I have proof!" I said putting my finger up in the air.

"What "proof"?" Troye said unconvinced.


"I state my evidence!" I say putting my finger up.

"Its unlocked, come in." I yelled back, in comes a very ticked off Tyde.

"I'm gonna kill you!" He said running over to Troye, I ran in front of him.

"Hey, kill Tyler not Troye I'm still a fangirl. I need him alive." I said turning him to Tyler.

"I can't kill Tyler my parents will kill me, they love him." He said crossing his arms.

"I state my second piece of evidence." I say putting a finger in the air.

"I hate to have this end so quickly but I need to end on this last question for you guys well for Alicia and Tyde." The guy said holding a microphone.

"Sure, what is it?" I said sitting back down.

"Do you ship Tronnor and do you think it's weird you ship your siblings with people?" He said quickly, I answered first.

"I don't ship Tronnor at all no way, no, no, no, one big no I can't see that at all. Troyler,Phan, and Zalfie are my otp's and that's all. And no it's not at all weird shipping your siblings with other people Tyler obviously does it to me and I'll be posting Troyler proof to Instagram because I don't know how to use Tumblr or Twitter. Don't look at me like that!" I said looking at Tyler and Troye.

"That's precious." Troye said petting my head, I looked at him like he was crazy.

"I don't like Tronnor because of how obvious Troyler, and it's not weird that I ship my brother like Ali said they ship us so what's the difference?" He said in that oh my god accent I freakin love.
