
"Tyler I'm walking to school with Jasmine!" I yelled as I left the house with my backpack hanging off my shoulder because I'm so cool I can't even. What is my life?

"I kinda forgot my classes, do you have my schedule?" I said as I put my backpack on my back fully as we crossed the road.

"I'm your schedule, we have all the same classes except during free period I go to the art class if there's anyone I like there." She said pulling me in the opposite direction, and shook her head. Soon we saw the school in the distance and I got nervous again. Jasmine noticed and hugged me, I took a deep breath.

"It's just school I've been here before, it just feels like I'm a new student." I said as we walked getting closer to school when a car started driving slowly next. Jasmine didn't notice so I pulled on her arm, making her look up and the car bleeped loudly. She jumped while she let out a small squeak, she turned around and gave the driver a scowl as it stopped completely.

"Get in." A familiar guy said as she got in front and I slowly made my way to backseat.

"Your finally back!" He said smiling in the mirror. Wait, its Liam!

"Yep, but I'm leaving in at the end of the week because we got a short break off of the tour before we go to England." I herd them both sigh as we pulled up to the school.

"Are you still with the Preps?" Liam said as he shut off the car and locked it, he went over to Jasmine and grabbed her hands as we entered the school.

"No, she's sitting with us, plus she needs to meet Derek and Joey." She said as we walked into the school.

"Who's that?" I said linking arms with her as a tall guy brown hair styled into a quiff ran up to Jasmine grabbing her and picked her up hugging her.

"Oh my god, thank you!" He said squealing as another tall boy came rushing over with black hair styled into unkempt quiff.

"Woah, calm down it was Joey who gave me the idea." She said letting go of my arm as Joey pulled her into a big hug and kissed her cheek. I was confused because Liam didn't even blink watching it happen.

"Wait for me next time please." Said Joey I'm guessing, Derek turned around and kissed him on the cheek earning so looks from teachers. I smiled at how cute they are, urgh I miss Tyde.

"Whose this new girl?" Derek said leaning against Joey smiling, Jasmine linked our arms and smiled.

"This is Alicia, my best friend." I gave a small smile and waved with my other hand. Derek came over and hugged me tightly while Joey just shook my hand politely.

"Hi, um, I was just a little confused, what were you guys talking about just now?" I said as Derek's eyes lit up, he squealed again and clapped his hands together.

"Jasmine gave Joey and I tickets to Vidcon!" He said jumping around, my eyes widened and I smiled.

"Wait you guys are going to be at Vidcon, you should come to our panel and bring me candy during meet ups." I said excited. Everyone looked confused except for Jasmine.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that she just happens to be Tyler Oakley's little sister." She said as they boys just shook their heads.

"I knew you looked familiar." The bell rang telling us to go to our classes.

After School

I put away my ELA (basically reading & writing) binder and took out my backpack turning on my phone and looking for Jasmine and Doey which is Derek and Joey's ship name. I'm to lazy for saying their names out individually.

"WAIT FOR US!" Derek yelled as Jasmine, Derek, and Joey ran down the hallway. I laughed at them as they tried to get around all the kids.

"Who's house are we going to do the project at?" Jasmine said as we started walking away from the school. We all had the same science class and we had to do a project with our lab partners and we all choose each other.

"Let's just go to my house." I said as I pulled out my phone to call Tyler and ask.

Hello? -Tyler

Hai, me and my friends have a science project and I was wondering if we could come over. -Alicia

Sure do they need a ride home?-Tyler

"Will you guys need a ride home?" I said as they all stopped talking and shook their heads, I put the phone back up to my ear and started talking.


Ok do you want me to pick you up? -Tyler, we'll walk so we can have more time to think about it. -Alicia

Ok I'll see you when you get here-Tyler

Ok, bye love you -Alicia

Love you, bye -Tyler

"Ok let's go, Tyler said he'll give you a ride home." I said as we started walking to my house talking about ideas for the project then somehow got on the topic on how to make me turn red.

"Why are we talking about this?!?" I said taking out the key opening the door.

"Talking about what?" Tyler said waving hi to Jasmine making her smile.

"NOTHING!" I said quickly as he looked suspicious, he cocked his head then looked and Jasmine and Derek while Joey was still coining in he was carrying all the stuff.

"We were talking about how fun it is to make people blush." Jasmine said as I smacked the palm of my hand to my forehead.

"Ohhhh, let's see who make a person blush the hardest!" Tyler said looking at Derek, his eyes lit up.

"Yes! Pick your victim." He said smiling evily, Tyler pointed to me and a groaned knowing I'd most likely be seeing Tyde.

"How are you going to make Jasmine blush?" Tyler said as he picked up his phone searching for something.

"I choose Joey, he's coming he just is carrying everything." Derek said as Tyler looked confused, Joey walked in and Tyler showed me a picture of me and Tyde Photoshoped so it looked like we were kissing. I turned bright red but not deep red because it was terribly made.

"My turn!" Derek said laughing at my face them kissing Joey, his face turned redder than a tomato.

"That's precious!" Tyler said giggling as Joey true nd to hid his face.
