High School Drama

"Here you go Ms.Oakley, hope you have a good first day here at our school." The cheery secretary said as I walked with my brother back to the car with my brother to get my backpack then go to my class.

"Thank You, You too... I mean have a good day." I said facepalming as Tyler laughed and unlocked the car.

"You've been hanging with to many YouTubers, your turning socially awkward." He said passing me my backpack and hugging me goodbye as I waved 'bye' and entered the school.

The principle came up to me with a boy my age following her as she told me about the school a little bit.

"And that's about it, Ms.Oakley this is Chandler and he will being showing you around have a good day." She said as a girl screamed loudly and ran over to me knocking me down as she hugged me/squeezed the life out of me.

"Oh my gosh, Raelin get off of her!" The principle said as Chandler took a video on his phone.

"Oh my god, I love you and your family and have you met Markiplier. Probably not your not really in his type of people to hang out with." She said as the principle pulled her off of me.

And I started gasping for breath as a girl nearby helped me up, I was kinda nervous of her because she was tall and she was wearing lots of black, but it was probably how not happy she looked.

"I'm so sorry about her I don't know what's into her. Why would you attack our new student?!?" The principle said as the girl came and told the girl to calm down, She was very pretty with blue eyes, very short pixie cut hair, and a flower crown I wanted.

"HOW CAN YOU NOT FREAK OUT SHE'S TYLER FREAKING OAKLEY'S SISTER!" She screamed as everyone looked over at me I got very self conscious looking down at the ground as the bell rang and everyone else started to go to class.

"Mrs.Pond, let us take show her around and have her meet everyone!" A girl in a white crop top, jeans, and high-heels said with a group of six girls behind her.

For some reason my mind went to the plastics and I got really scared I do not want to be Lindsay Lohan.

"No, you can't let them Mrs.Pond she'll be corrupted!" Raelin said as she brought my to her group.

"No we'll take her and she'll be better off then being with you. Take one look at her and tell me she doesn't belong with us." They said rudely which made me nervous, and want to run to a curl up in a ball and call my friends.

"That doesn't matter!" The girl with the beautiful curly hair, that I really wanted to pull.

"We're taking her and there's nothing you can do about it." The girl said grabbing my arm and I noticed the principle had left awhile ago.

"I'm telling Tyler." Chandler said as he pulled out his phone, I was really confused as of how he was going to get my brother.

At Lunch

"Hey do you think they have my brother's number?" I asked Bliss, the girl from before.

"No, I mean that's stalking right. They could get in serious trouble." She said as she turned back around to the group.

"Hey, Alicia what's your last name we always look up New people in our group on Google images." One of the other girls said.

"My name is Alicia Oakley but I don't know what's going to come up." I said nervous of all the stupid pictures I've ever taken coming up.

They typed it in and lots of pictures of my brother and me came up and selflies of me and other youtubers.

"Ohhhh, you and Tyde huh!" They said all flirty while laughing as I turned pink.

I looked away not wanting to see anymore as I saw a bunch of tall guys in football jerseys walk up to us and look at the screen. It was on the a cute Troyler photo that I took at the airport.

"Ew guys, look at these ugly f@gs." He said laughing, I got from up from my seat, stepped on top of it, and slapped him as hard as I could.

"Fight, Fight, Fight!" Everyone yelled as he automatically without looking hit my across my face.

It burned and stung my cheeks and tears started brimming my eyes and everyone went silent as teachers ran over and grabbed the jock and helped me down as the girls quickly rushed me to the bathroom circling around me like a shield.

"Let me do this." And "Let me do that." The girls said as they started touching my face I scrunched my face as touched my stinging cheeks, I pushed away my cheeks and gently washed off all the makeup they put on me.

They gasped as they saw a big black and blue on my cheek, and they came back over hugging me as some of them called their boyfriends yelling at them for allowing that guy to hit a girl.

Alicia Oakley please report to the principal's office Alicia Oakley to the principal's office. Thank you.

As I left the bathroom they surrounded me again with Bliss at the front, I really wish I was anywhere but here.

"Where is Ms.Oakley?" I heard the principle ask obviously upset. The shield of girls opened up and I kept my head down as I felt two big familiar arms wrap around me hugging me tightly.

"Alicia are you ok?" Tyler said worry laced his voice as we walked into her office where the jock sat. I was not sad or hurt (besides physically) I was very mad and I wanted to beat the living sh!t out of him.

"Tyler, I'm fine, well except for you know, my face. Just keep me away from him." I said quietly in his ear.

"What's wrong with your face?" He asked for worried as we waited for the principle and the jock to open the door, I looked up and his face hardened.

"We can homeschool you like Tyde. Your not coming back." He said firmly as I blushed at the sound of his name, His face softened lightly. "Stop being adorable, I'm trying to be a responsible guardian." He said still angry.

"Come in." The principle said and we entered I looked away from the jock who I was going to kill if he ever disrespected my family or friends again.
