Don't Stop Singing

I sat with Tyde most of the day on our phones and listening to music. Tyler and Troye went with Zoe to go do something while we just sat down. I played Melanie Martinez while scrolling through Instagram.

"Oh my gaaahhhh!" I yelled scaring Tyde making him drop him phone on my head.

"Are you ok?" He said picking up the phone and kissing my forehead. I turned red and nodded then remembered why I screamed in the first place. I got up and jumped around happily as I held my phone in the air.

"How is this even possible? I can't even handle this! What is life! I need air! Jack's in a flower crown! He's with Dan! And Phil! Dan's actually wearing a color besides black!" I yelled as I screenshoted the picture and set it as my background. I laid on my back gasping for air as Tyler walked in with Troye following behind.

Tyler stopped looked at me then shrugged and sat next to Tyde on the couch. Troye started to sing to my favorite Melanie Martinez song, Bittersweet Tragedy. I screemed again as I died inside.

"Alicia are you-" I quickly cut off Troye and turned the music up more.

"Don't stop singing!" I yelled as I rolled to his feet as he quickly started sing along with Melanie. I started breathing heavily into a tried pillow that Tyler thew at me. Tears started pouring down as he and Melanie hit the high note together. I cried into the pillow as I tried to catch my breath. The song was close to the end and I cursed wishing it was longer. I turned on my back with the pillow in my hand chills all down my body and tears down my face as the song ended.

"Alicia are you seriously crying?" Tyler said laughing as I just sat there.

"Hey you know when people comment I'm literally crying on your videos? They're not lying!" I said as I put my arms up to Troye. He bent down and picked me up, I hugged him tightly. I pulled away and put my hand on both sides of his face squishing his face.

"What are you doing?" Tyde said chuckling while I just kept squishing face.

"Why do you have to be so talented?" I said as I squished his face more not allowing him to answer.

"Alicia leave the poor boy alone!" Tyler said snapchating Troye and I.

"I'm so happy I could kiss you! But I won't so Tyde get over here!" I said as Tyde came over and I turned towards him. I hugged him and kissed him lightly on the lips before just hugging him as I looked up at him.

"Why don't you sing?" I asked as he laughed.

"Because I can't sing!" Tyde said as me and Troye made eye contact.

"Lies!" We both yelled as Tyde just laughed.

"I can't!" He said as me and Troye both looked at him like he was crazy.

"Why are you lying to me?" I said looking up at him slightly angry.

"I'm not!" He said back still laughing at the situation.

"Lies!" Troye and I said together as I let go of Tyde and grabbed my phone. Troye did and at the same time we started playing Tyde cover to I See Fire.

"Turn it off!" Tyde said as he grabbed both of our phones and shut them off.

"You can sing." I said taking my phone back and walking next to Troye and sitting down next to him high fiving him smugly.
