Pool Fun


"CANNONBALL!" Casper yelled as he jumped into the water splashing everyone and everything within a five foot distance.

"Awww, Casper really?" Zoë said soaked. I got up and walked over to Tyler who was just out of reach of Casper's splash zone. I sat down next to him just incase Casper felt like jumping again.

"Hello." Tyler said waving at me.

"Hai." I said back, going on Instagram.

"So how was you fun experience with Tyde?" He said so only I could hear.

"What do you mean?" I said taking a sip of my lemon flavored iced tea trying not to blush thinking about it, I hate blushing because I can't stop it.

"You know that really cute moment where Tyde helped you out the crowd then put your crown on you." He said smiling looking through his phone, I choked on my drink.

"What?" I croaked out while coughing a few times.

"Are you ok?" Louise said concerned. I nodded, she is the mother of the group nobody else has a kid or motherly instincts. Tyler giggled while scrolling through his phone.

"I was just looking at the Troyler tag, and there was a collage of me and Troye on top and you and Tyde on bottom with the caption. 'Oakley's and Mellet's always make the best couples'."
Tyler said showing me the pictures, I took it out of his hand looked closer they were very cute pictures but they were out of context.

I'm not dating Tyde! Tyde isn't dating me and Tyler's most likely dating Troye!

I gave Tyler his phone back.

"Why were you looking at the Troyler tag?" I asked smiling at him, He glared at me and I laughed.

"I can look at all I want without it meaning anything." He said still glaring through his glasses.

"Awe, don't like being embarrassed do you, it doesn't feel good does it?" I said in a baby voice, He pouted then smiled evily. He put his phone on his the camera than gave it Zoë and told her to record him. I put my phone down then looked at him confused, as he came closer to me I figured out his plan. I got up then ran as he chased me around they pool, as we made it back towards the house I ran behind Troye as he was exiting the house.

He looked behind him confused then saw Tyler.

"Troye.move." He said moving closer,Troye moved than started laughing as I ran away screaming for Tyler to stop.

"Don't run around the pool!" Louise yelled making me laugh as we got closer to Zoë I started to slow down from laughing so hard, Tyler picked me up and put me over his shoulder.

"Tyler don't my glasses!" I yelled as he walked to the pool as I banged on his back.

"Troye can you take her glasses?" Tyler said annoyed. Troye walked over to me and took my glasses.

"Really Troye?" I said as he shrugged and walked away.

Tyler walked to the edge of the pool.

"Wait Ty, my flower crown!" I said as Troye came over and took it. "Really Troye? Again?" I said annoyed, He laughed and walked back to his seat.

"Thanks boo!" Tyler said.

"I prove my point!" I yelled. As Tyler threw me into the pool I grabbed onto him dragging him in too. When I reached the surface I started laughing along with everybody else besides Tyler.

"I'm going to kill you." He said swimming towards me I laughed as I swam towards the pool stairs. I'm very good at swimming so I had time to run out and grab his phone.

"I win!" I said clicking the button to stop filming. I sent the video to my phone then took my glasses from Troye to see Tyler soaked in all his clothes while I was in my colorfull tribal highwaisted bikini bottoms and black top.

