Fangirling (chapter...finally!)

After we had gotten off stage I had to sit down and breathe.

"Alicia, you okay?" Joe said as he and everyone else walked towards me. I sat up and held my chest and pointed to the stage while breathing heavily.

"Mark- Jack- septiplier- away- can't breathe- dying- dead." I said closing my eyes and falling back into the chair. They giggled at me as I peeked one eye open and looked at them but quickly shut it.

"What's up with Alicia?" Tyde said as he and Troye came over Tyler tagging along behind on his phone. Someone from the backstage crew quickly walked to Tyler and started talking to him while Troye poked me.

"She's dead." Zoë said putting air quotations around dead. Troye laughed as had to breathe, Tyde just poked me while I kept refusing to move. I sat up and started poking Tyde as he batted away my hands. Most of the Britain had left now except Zalfie and Jaspar.

"It's really short notice so I don't know let's ask her." Tyler said as he walked towards us with the guy from backstage

"I'm sorry this is such a short notice. But the guy who was supposed to be onstage asking questions for the let's players got sick. So we saw how good you were with the crowd when you interviewed the Brits, and we were wondering if you could be the replacement." The guy said politely looking sorry for having to ask.

"Who is going to be there?" I said hesitantly as Tyler looked at me smiling trying to make me feel better.

"There's not going to be nearly as much people as your recent performance. There's only gonna be three people." He said putting up three fingers. I heart started racing and face went pale.

"Is it Felix, Mark, and Sean/Jack?" I said crossing my fingers hoping I was wrong. He looked at his paper and shook his head confirming my fears.

"Yep, the rehearsal is in thirty minutes so we need to know soon please." He said checking his watch as I shook my head yes and he thanked me and walked away.

"I need to fangirl, umm get Jasmine on Skype please." I said passing my phone to anybody who could grab it. I slowly got up as they followed me, I heard them whispering as they followed me.

"Where are you going?" Zoë said while I heard Jasmine, I explained to her that I needed help immediately and to meet me in the empty parking lot.

At the parking lot

Jasmine ran up to me and looked me in the eyes while everyone pulled out their camera's to record me.

"Asfvmrhfkruev Jack dnfvdjdnxjhdvk Mark jjejrvjfvfhrvegvjs pewdi JFKkhdbdk main stage kfkrnrkbffkhy." I said as Jasmine sat there in silence as we looked each other in the eyes.

"Alicia how is meant to know what happ-" Tyde was cut off by Jasmine screaming while jumping up and down. I started screaming and jumping holding on to her, she started crying and I started crying. Then we both started screaming whole jumping up and down. We did this for about ten minutes until we both stopped and hugged each other.

"Ok we're ready." Jasmine said as we walked passed them all calm. They turned and looked at us very confused as we made our way back to the building.

"How?" They all kept whispering while we walked back into the building everyone still following us confused. We walked right outside of the room leading backstage.

"Ok we've got about fifteen minutes to get out most of the septiplier fangirl out of me which will take watching a whole video full of septiplier vines. Then that leaves time to calm down after." I said as Jasmine whipped out her phone and quickly clicked on the video, I motioned the for everyone to father around us to watch.

"This might have Troye in it but I think we're safe except for that." Jasmine said as I motioned for everyone to gather around and watch.

"Wait why would I be in there?" Troye said confused, we all huddled so we could see the video.

"Troye if you're in there it's because of the Fools video, now can everyone see this is the day you fall in love with Septiplier." I said as it started with loud music and flashes of light. I heard Tyler fangirling slightly and I smiled knowing I've done good.

"Oh I don't like that one, what was that?" Zoë said slightly scared as Jasmine and I laughed.

"That's just Antisepticeye and Darkiplier." I said while continuing to watching the video.
"Septiplier Away!" I heard Mark yell from the phone, we both started to slowly look at the screen the start fangirling quietly.

"Whatcha guys looking at?" Jack said with Mark and Felix right begin him.

"Booper Dooper!" Jack screamed from the phone, thank god I was in the back where I couldn't be seen. Joe coughed trying to cover it up but failing.

"Well then... we gotta go bye." Zoë said running down the hallway as we followed her. Tyler turned to me and pushed me towards the main stage doors. I walked inside the door slowly acting like nothing happened, I saw the guys and walked in like nothing happened.

"Hello." Mark said as I was trying to act all calm and like nothing happened. I waved to them and stood next to the door as far away as possible. I saw Jack whisper to Felix and Mark then they all shook their heads in agreement, they all started dancing weirdly and singing terribly to popular songs. I looked at them slightly then quickly took out my phone and pretended to take a picture of myself while recording them behind me.

"Alicia!" Jack shouted excitedly startling me causing me to drop my phone, I heard everybody stop gasp as I hesitantly bent over to get my phone.

"It better not be broken, she's a teenage girl!" Felix whispered to Jack, I decided to just get it over with a turn it around quickly.
