3 Months

Surprise!Three Months later it's been awhile but it took this long to get everything settled...kinda, so everything at school is great... kinda, not really.

I hang out with Bliss and her friends but still hating Ashton but saying that I forgive him. I actually made two best friends that I love but are in the group of Youtube/Internet fan girls, basically the coolest people you'll ever meet so when I'm not at school I'm with them. I'm going to see how many Mean Girl references I can get.

Ok, so it's three months later and a lot has happened actually only one big thing happened I'm so excited, two words. Sleepover.party.

Tyler's sleepover party tour has started relatively closely and we've meet thousands of people and have done lots of shows. But I'm sooo ready to go the U.K. and maybe the most excited for is Australia. I've given up trying to lie to myself that I'm not excited to see my favorite Aussie in the world... it's Tyde just in case you didn't know. Tyde, Tyde Levi, Tyde Levi Mellet, why is it perfect. Why is he perfect more like it, actually there whole family is perfect it's not fair.

"Alicia!" Tyler yelled scaring the crap out of me, I slapped his arm.

"Tyler!" I said like a little child and curled up into a ball in the seat I was sitting in. He laughed and and stopped in front of the airport, why?

"Why are we herrrrreeeee?" I said whining, and opening the car door wearing my pink unicorn footsie pjs. I got them from Lily Singh aka iisuperwomanii.

"We have to go on a plane and fly to the next show." He said like it was obvious.

"I thought it was the next town over." I said grabbing some clothes from bag to change into.

"Nope, we're going to Australia." He said with excitement, I squealed and started jumping around with excitement as we entered the airport getting some strange looks.

"Go change when we get through security and stuff like that." Tyler said as we got to the long lines

3 hours later

We had gone through everything and where on the plane when it hit me. I'm going to see Tyde and Troye for the first time in 4 months and meet their parents/try to make them not hate me.

My stomach did not feel good, I bent over the toilet and got air sick in the bathroom. When I was done I made a quick wing with eyeliner, added some and zipped up my makeup bag.

Earlier I had put on a white crop top with a cloud puking rainbows on it, I put on white shorts and put on a big oversized sweater.

I went back to my seat and sat down next to Tyler, he looked at me and asked me if I was ok.

"I'm ok." I said softly as I rested my head on his shoulder while he stroke my hair like my mother would.

I stayed awake the whole time, I took some Benadryl and started to feel better after a while. We had half an hour until we landed.

"Tyler, I'm bored let's ask each other questions. But you have to be truthful." I said turning to him in my seat as he turned to me.

"Ok, let's start simple, where was the furthest you've ever been from home?" Tyler said resting his head against the seat.

"Which one?" I asked and Tyler smiled. "Well it's the same for both." I said thinking.

"When was your first time out of the country?" He said as I realized how stupid I was, I facepalmed my face and laughed a little.

"I'm so stupid." I said while Tyler looked confused.


"This is my first time out of the country therefore it's the farthest I've ever been from home." I said as I looked back up at him.

"Really?" He said while the stewards went to the microphone thing.

We will be arriving at our destination soon please stay seated and we'll be there shortly.

She said then walked away as I looked back at Tyler.

"What time is it?" I asked him as I looked out the window.

"Lord knows it's probably way to early." He said said laughing at himself.

"My turn, am I your most favorite sister?" I said starring at him with my head in my hands.

"Well, I don't real-" he said slowly.

"Answer this question the right way." I said evily.

"Jesus Christ, you you." He said quickly. I started laughing and he soon joined in.

We are now landing I hope you enjoyed your flight on [random airplane]

When we got off the airplane we got our luggage and went to where all the people where and. I saw a big sign that has Oakleys written on it on big pink sparkling letters. I laughed and pointed it out to Tyler and he laughed as we walked over.

"I think they're dead." I said as we got closer they looked so tired but perked up when the heard us, we rushed over to each other and started hugging everyone.

"Oh my god I've literally missed you guys so much." Troye said hugging me tightly as the Tyler hugged Tyde.

"Alicia missed you more." Tyler said as we grouped hugged, I fake laughed.

"I'm not always on my phone watching Troye's videos." I said hugging Tyde for the fiftieth time.

"Shut up." Tyler said as he hugged Troye again. After a lot of hugging we went to one of the food places at the airport, and they were falling asleep.

"Why are you guys so tired?" I asked confused to why they were falling asleep.

"We are twelve hours ahead of you." Troye said petting his head on his hand closing his eyes. I thought for a moment then laughed.

"That means it's only 6:00 a.m., because we went on the plane at like 2:00 a.m. So it's about 6:00 just the next day." I said thinking hard.

"Wait, you woke up at 2:00?" Troye said looking at us like we're aliens.
