Jayden Adams

Mark stood up then dropped to his knees putting his hands in the air while yelling. I was laughing uncontrollably as well as everyone else, my phone buzzed and I saw it was a call from Anna. I quickly picked it up knowing that if she was calling me then it was important. I mean she hasn't called me in like a year, well not a year a long time!

"I got beat by a- how old are you?" Mark said stopping and looking at me making everyone laugh harder.

"Sixteen." I said answering the phone as he looked surprised.

"Your sixteen?" Jack said looking at me like I was crazy. I nodded as I heard Anna breathing heavily and laughing.

"I got beat by a sixteen year old! I was playing Mario before you were even born!" He said yelling as I laughed even harder.

"Hello?" I heard Anna ask as she took a deep breath.

"Hi." I said trying not to laugh.

"Code J!" She said through the phone as I immediately stopped laughing.

"Where are you I'll be there soon!" I said into the phone as I looked at Jack and mouthed 'I got to go thanks for everything' as he nodded and I left while everyone was still laughing.

"I'm walking to your hotel room I'm in the elevator, I'll be there right away." She said laughing as I heard Lucas in the back laughing hysterically.

"I'm literally so close I'll be there. And stop laughing!" I said as ran inside our hotel room and saw Tyler and Troye on their phones while Tyde was walking out of the bathroom.

"Alicia!" They all said as they ran up and hugged me Tyler wasn't even mad anymore. I heard a knock on the door and I quickly pushed them off and opened the door to Anna and Lucas.

"Where?!?" I yelled as they walked into the room and pointed out the window towards him. All three of us pressed our faces against the glass to look at him as he stood on the sidewalk. He turned around and the three of us ducked.

"What are you doing?" Troye said causing me to jump a little. We turned around and shushed him.

"Is that him?" Tyler said as he joined us looking out the window. I turned to him surprised he still remembered. We nodded and he smiled opening the window. We stood up and tried to stop him.

"Hey Jayden!" He yelled as we froze as he looked up and squinted trying to see us. We drove to the ground as we heard him yell.

"Alicia?" He said surprised with a hint of cockiness. I looked up at Tyler and scowled as he looked at me laughing.

"I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!" I said banging my head off the ground as Troye looked confused, but not as confused as Tyde who also looked angry.

"Alicia I know I saw you, Anna you too!" He yelled as I banged my head harder.

"I really hope he didn't bring his boys wit-" Anna was cut off by a group of boys shouting our names. I banged my head harder against the floor until Tyde picked me up.

"You're going to crack your head open!" He said as I looked up at him with a dead look.

"That's the point, my life is over!" I said going limp as he held me bridal style. They kept shouting and I started to get angry I got out of Tyde's arms and stormed to the window.

"Shut up!" I yelled at him as he laughed  along with his group of boys.

"No, what are you going to do about it?" He said crossing his arms as I looked down at him furiously.

"All these years of not talking and I still hate you!" I yelled at him the window as he let out a small chuckle and smiled up at me.

"Ahh, no you don't!" He said back smiling up at me. I turned to Tyler and pointed at him glaring at him as I grabbed a pillow off the couch and screamed into it.

"I hate you more than I hate Tronnor! And that's saying something!" I said as Troye laughed and a shot him a glare. He stopped and looked at the ground.

"Who's Tronnor?" He yelled confused as I looked at him out the window.

"You're so stupid it hurts!" I yelled at him as he laughed and looked back up at me trying to look cute. At this point we were all looking at them.

"You love it though!" He yelled as hit my head against the wall.

"I hate you!" I yelled as I kept hitting my head against the wall. The next thing I heard made my heart race in fear, in anger, in disgust.

"Let's just read that letter Lucas gave me that one day long ago!" He yelled as I glared at Lucas.

"How long would it take him to get that out and read all of it?" I said walking towards the door.

"I think you could make it halfway through! I'll call you and put it on speaker so you can hear how far he goes!" Anna said as I nodded and ran out the window and towards the stairs we were only on the second floor.

"Dear Jayden Adams,
I would like you to know that my best girl friend in the whole world. Well she's my friend and she's a girl but we're not dating. Anyways i just wanted to tell you that-" I ran around the corner and tackled him to the ground a I heard Anna laugh hysterically. I grabbed the letter and tore it to prices and threw them into the trash can and took one of the boys drinks and another's ice cream. I poured the drink on his head and smushed the ice-cream on his head.

"Leave me alone!" I yelled as I poured the ice down his shirt. He got up and took his shirt off as he got in my face.

"Never!" He said as he attempted to kiss me. I put my hand in between our faces and pushed him back into his group of boys. I looked up and saw everyone shocked except for Tyde who wasn't there. I turned around and saw Tyde walking towards me. He glared at Jayden as he walked up to me and kissed me. I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around his next as he put his hands on my waist.

I turned bright red as we pulled apart and I looked up and saw Tyde's face looking down at me slightly less angry. I just looked at him dazed with a stupid smile in my face as Jayden came and over confused. I looked up and saw everyone with there mouths wide open and recording the whole thing.

"Who are you?" He said as Tyde just ignored him. He grabbed my hand and pulled me back into the hotel and into the elevator. I just stood there smiling like a fool as he looked down at me also smiling. He pulled me towards him and gave me a small kiss on the lips just as the elevator dinged. He chuckled as I turned even redder and more dazed.

He dragged me by my hand as I looked up at him smiling widely as he opened the door. Everyone turned around with their mouths wide open looking at us while I just stared at Tyde.

Do you know what snapchat filter with the heart eyes? Yeah that's me, nothing is going through my head right now except for Tyde. Tyde and Alicia Mellet. Our twin girls, Bella and Ella. Our dog Jagga the second. Our house in Perth, in our blue neibourhood.

"Alicia!" Troye yelled waving his hand in my face.

"What?" I said still dazed looking at Tyde who was laughing at me.

"Are you going to just stare at him all day?" He said laughing while I just nodded. Tyde laughed even harder and pulled me into a hug as I just hugged him back.

"You're so freaking cute!" Tyde said laughing as I just sighed and kept hugging him. We waddled to the couch together as Anna recorded us still shocked. Tyde sat down as I sat down next to him still hugging his body. He laughed as he wrapped his arm around me tightly.
