I Can Explain!

They brought me to this big empty room where it was very dark. They sat me down on a couch and ran to turn on the lights.

"Surprise!" Everyone said as the lights turned on and my friends jumped out.

"Whhhhh ttaaaaa haaaaa." I said through the duct tape. Anna quickly ran over and pulled it off my lips while smiling.

"Surprise!" She said jumping up and down, I must be dreaming!

"What the hell!" I said angry as she quickly stopped smiling and looked at the ground.

"We all felt bad for fighting and wanted to throw an "I'm sorry" party." She said trying to explain herself.

"So you break into my hotel room, duct tape my mouth, kidnap me, then try to tell me that you're throwing a party to apologize?" I said in shock, he shook her head in agreement then looked at everyone else around us.

"yeah." She said quietly, I hugged her and she quickly hugged back.

"That's the nicest thing you've ever done for me thank you!" I said as someone started the music.

"Really?" She said smiling as she helped me up.

"Even though you low key kidnapped me." I said as I found Jasmine and Lucas. We hugged and started dancing, I looked around and saw most of my friends and some other people I didn't know.

"Wait, how did you get into my hotel room?" I said confused on how they got in without breaking the door down.

"I used the key card." Tyde said from behind me. I turned around and hugged him as I looked at him confused.

"Where did you get our key card?" I said as he thought for second.

"Oh you left it in my room." He said as someone turned off the lights an turned on a black light. I was wearing my TRXYE sweatshirt that I had borrowed from Troye when we were in Perth, so it was big on me. Underneath I was wear a pair of fluffy white pajama shorts. I looked down and saw the letters on my sweatshirt glowing, I lifted the sweatshirt a little and saw my shorts start to glow. They looked like little clouds because if all the fluff.

"Woah, look at my shorts!" I said showing Jasmine as she took out her phone and took a picture of them.

As the night went on I met different people and saw a couple of old friends. I'm not really a dancer so I just took pictures with my friends and snapchated the whole time. Around four in the morning the party started to end and everyone was getting tired. Jasmine turned on the regular lights and turned off the music.

"Ok everyone time to go! Thanks for coming!" Derek yelled as everyone started to leave.

"Bye guys thank you again!" I said waving to my friends as Tyde and I left the room. We walked to my hotel room and tried to open the door.

"Uh oh..." Tyde said as he ran his hand through his hair taking a deep breath.

"Please don't tell me." I said sighing and while throwing my head back.

"Yep, I left them inside." He said while looking through the peephole.

"What do we do now?" I said while yawning.

"Let's just go to my hotel room." Tyde said as he grabbed my hand and lead me down the hallway.

"I don't know if that's a good idea Tyde." I said hesitating to go into the elevator to his floor.

"It'll be fine lets just go." He said as I walked into the elevator with him. As we walked to his room I thought about all the scenarios that could happen if Tyler found out. None of them involved me being alive in the end to tell the story.

"Tyler's gonna kill me." I whispered to myself quietly. When we got to his room and I layed down on the couch, he walked over to me confused.

"What are you doing?" He said reaching out his hand and helping me up.

"I was going to bed." I said tiredly, he shook his head and layed on the couch.

"Go lay down on the bed." He said pointing to the bedroom. I crossed my arms while I gave him a sassy look.

"I'm tired and I just want to go to sleep so please move. And I'm not a dog you can't command me to do something." I said as he sighed and got up. I smiled and thanked him laid down, he left the room and came back shortly with a blanket. He laid it on the ground next to the couch and laid down on it.

"Tyde, what are you doing?" I said looking down at him for once in my life.

"I'm going to sleep." He said closing his eyes. I looked at him for a solid minute before realizing what was gonna have to happen for both of us to be happy.

"Tyde, get up please." I said to him as he got up and looked at me confused. I got up and threw the blanket over my shoulder. I grabbed his hand and we walked towards the bedroom, I put the blanket on the bed and turned to him.

"I'm not letting you sleep anywhere but the bed, so let's go to sleep I'm tired." I said laying down on one side of the bed as he laid on the other.

"Your brother can never know about this." He said getting in the bed as I shook my head in agreement. I turned towards him and gave him a serious look.

"No funny business, and I mean it Levi!" I said before turning around and taking my glasses off.

"I know, I know." He said laughing as I pulled the blanket up and wrapped my arms around him and laid my head on his chest falling asleep.

8:00 a.m.

"Tyler, she's fine. I heard there was a party last night she probably went to one of her friends room." I heard Troye say from outside the door as I woke up. I started to panic and quickly turned to Tyde and shook him awake.

"Troyler is coming! What do we do?" I said as his eyes shot wide open and started searching the room for a hiding spot. They opened the door and Tyde put the blanket over my head as he put a pillow right above my head.

"Curl up so you look like a pillow." He whisper as he pretended to be sleeping. I curled up into a ball and took small breaths trying to save the air I have under the blanket.

"Tyde!" I heard Tyler say as Tyde pretended to wake up, I heard Troye gasp and I knew that I was screwed.

"Um...ah...Tyde do...do you know where Alicia is?" Troye said sounding slightly mad. I automatically knew he knew and so did Tyde, he started to panic which made me panic.

"I you sleep there and she's no you can't tell me what to do and I laid on ground and she was on couch then she bed then She Made Me!" Tyde said in a big pile of word vomit. I heard Troye facepalm as I heard Tyler giggle, I didn't make him do anything! He can't blame this all on me! That's not fair!

"NO I DIDN'T!" I yelled sitting up and giving Tyde an evil glare. I heard Troye cuss under his breath as I slowly grabbed my glasses and put them on. I saw a  furious red faced Tyler with steam basically coming out of his ears.

"I Can Explain!" Tyde and I basically yelled.
