2 Man Dance Parties

"Get in loser were going shopping." I screamed as my best friend Anna came out of her house, we were going to my house to have a sleepover and have girls night. She threw her backpack into the car.

"Did they come in yet?" She said excitedly jumping in the car as we turned the corner to my house in Michigan.

"The pj's did but the flower crowns didn't yet" I said frowning at the end.

"At least we can still rock out in our awesome Stitch pj's." Anna said grabbing her bag and walking to the door. Stitch is our favorite Disney character, but I always loved his girlfriend so mine is her even though I don't know her name.

"Mom has the package come in yet?" I said walking towards my room.

"No but I'll bring it up when it does." She said waving hi to Anna and smiling, she's like my sister.

"Hey Mama Jackie." She said waving back.

"Don't play your music to loud someone special is coming and I don't want them to go deaf." She said going to the kitchen.

"Yep." I said walking into room and shutting the door behind us. I ran over to the big brown box in the corner and opened it up to reveal two adorable footie pajamas, I grabbed it and striped down then put on my big cozy pajamas.

"There so soft." I said rubbing my head on my arm. I heard Anna giggle as she took a picture of me, I posed then took out my phone for a bunch of selfies. I found my speaker then plugged in Anna's phone so we could blast music and take videos on my phone. I put it on Troye's album TRXYE then blasted Fun.

"What'd ya think?" She said spinning around in her Stitch costume.

"You look beauuutiful darling." I said putting my hand out acting like an rich old lady. She laughed and I jumped on my bed and started jumping up and down, Anna soon joined and I took out my phone and took a video of us dancing like idiots. I posted it to Instagram with the caption 'dancing to Troye Sivan with this weirdo in our new pj's.' and tagged Anna and Troye Sivan. I heard a knock at the door and assumed it mom so I just pretended not to hear it. Happy Little Pill started playing and I jumped off the bed when I heard the knock louder.

"Hey Ali, have you ever thought that Troye wrote this about Ty." She said as she turned around in circles.

"Yaaaaassss." I yelled as I opened the door.

~* Tyler * ~
I was so excited to go home and see my family especially Ali I haven't seen her in forever and I swear I'll explode if I wait any longer. I can't wait to tell her that she's moving to California to live with me for a while. I walked up to the door and knocked, seconds later my mom came and gave me a big hug.

"I missed you." She said squeezing me, I squeezed her back a herd Troye's album playing and lots of thuds. I laughed and asked my mom what was on the table, there was a small brown box sitting in the middle of it.

"Oh that's Alicia's new flower crowns she wears them everyday, she ordered at least twenty of them. I was just gonna bring them up I guess you could, her and Anna are up there having a party could you tell them to turn the music down." She said handing me the box.

"Sure, should I tell her about California now or later?" I said taking the box.

"Tell her whenever you want." She said walking away, I went up to Ali's room and knocked... no answer... I knocked again. I heard someone jump off of something and come towards the door, Happy Little Pill started playing and I heard a girl say.

"Hey Ali, have you ever thought Troye wrote this about Ty?" I smiled when I heard Ali yell.

"Yaaaaassss." As she opened the door, I handed her the box but she just threw it to the ground and jumped on me.

"I missed you soooo much." She yelled clinging on to me, I hugged back as she pulled away and started laughing awkwardly.
"You didn't hear anything did you?" She said quickly. I laughed and shook my head yes, she turned bright pink.
