U.A entrance exam

Sans pov

Aizawa told me about this school called U.A. and said I should try get in, I agreed because...I would be able to protect people, and I had nothing better to do besides it would also help me avoid more questions from Aizawa. We have been training for the last few months, when we first fought, he was surprised, to say the least, and it probably raised suspicion, but oh well. We worked on the written part of the test, but I'm pretty smart, so it was easy. We mainly worked on my laziness, though I'm still lazy, I'm a lot less lazy than before. Anyway, let's skip to the present day.

When I finish breakfast, say bye to Aizawa, and teleport to the front of U.A., I see loads of people. As I begin to walk, someone taps me on my shoulder. "E-Excuse me." Says a boy with scruffy green hair.
"yeah, wassup?" I casually answer back.

"Umm, I was just curious about your quirk since you j-just appeared in front of U.A... I assume it's a kind of teleportation ability, but it..." I look up for a moment, what is my Quirks name? The boy obviously thought he had annoyed me and started freaking out.


"It's fine, my Quirk is....skela-soul."

"What abilities do you have?" The boy looks interred.

"you'll have to wait and see." I say with a smirk. "anyway, what's your name?"

"Oh, I'm Izuku Midoriya, what's your name?" Midoriya says, bowing.

"sans gaster, but you can just call me sans." I say, bowing back.

"Ok, well, I wish you the best of luck getting into U.A Sans." Midoriya says.

"you too, midoriya." I say as I shortcut inside.

Time skip (after written part of the exam)

I am sitting in the orientation hall as Present Mic explains the rules. However, I wasn't paying much attention because Aizawa had already told me them in more than enough detail. I am assigned Battle Center B for the practical exam, and instead of taking the bus like everyone else, I take a shortcut. After a while of waiting, the bus, along with the rest of the participants, arrive. I hear a few whispered debates break out over how I got here so fast. The only sort of answer I gave to the kids who confronted me about it was insisting I knew a 'shortcut.' An awkward silence hung in the air for what felt like an eternity before Present Mic shouted, 

"...C'MON! G.O.! There's no countdowns in a real battle." I speed into action, I shortcut to the middle of the test city. I notice about ten bots and destroy them swiftly. I shortcut every which way, defeating robots left and right. Some other examinees watch in awe as robots fall one after another.

Aizawa pov

"Look at this kid, go!" Mic basically yelled in my ear.
"I must admit he has a lot of control over his Quirk, especially for someone his age." midnight says, licking her lips the way she does.
"Well, the true test is yet to come." Someone I can't see says as they press the button to release the 0 pointer.
Sans pov

I am Shortcutting around destroying robots, when the ground shakes, so I shortcut to the nearest roof to see what caused the 'earthquake'. I get to the roof and see a giant robot,

"is that the 0 pointer?" I question. As I'm about to leave and continue to destroy robots, I hear someone shout.

"Someone help, anyone?" From where I am I see a girl with green hair and a frog-like appearance under some debris caused by the 0 pointer. Shortcutting in front of her, I swiftly free her and shortcut us both to safety. After I make sure she's not badly injured, I shortcut in front of the 0p and summon about ten gaster blasters and stand on one.

"you know you're really getting under my skin, so let's just end it here, ay?" I say before firing my Blasters, which destroy it almost instantly. After that, the G. Blasters disappear, and I begin to fall. Damn, I used too much energy. Just as I was about to hit the ground, someone caught me, it was the same girl I saved before.
"Times up!" Present Mic announces.

"You alright, ribbit?" She asks, putting me back on my feet.

"yeah, i'm fine i'm sans by the way, what's your name?" I ask.

"Tsuyu Asui, but you can call me Tsu. Anyway, I hope to see you at U.A Sans *ribbit*."

"you to tsu!" I reply as I walk out of the city.

Time skip ( 1 week later )
I am sitting on the couch watching T.V. when Aizawa walks in and hands me a letter.

"It's from U.A." He says as he walks away. I grab the letter and shortcut to my room. I sit on my bed and open the letter, a round metal thing falls out then it turned on and showed, All Might?

"I am here as a projection!" He says, his face beaming with pride. 
"You passed the written exam, in fact, you got some of the best scores on record, so good job on that!" He said, giving me a thumbs up. "You got 50 points in the practical exam...if that was all there was to it!" Huh, there was more to it? Of course, there was more to it, and of course, Aizawa didn't tell me. "The entrance exam was not only graded of villain points! The job of a hero is not just to fight villains but save people in danger! That's why we included something called rescue points! It's what heroes need to be able to do!" How many did I get? "Sans Gaster, you receive 25 rescue points! You pass" I'm smiling so much right now it hurt. "Come, young Gaster. This is your hero, academia!" He says, then the projection turns off. I take out the letter that came with the projection, "Class 1A, nice," I say with joy in my voice. I hope you're proud of me, Pap...where ever you are...

Author note:
I hope you enjoyed...UwU boi

1000 words
