I will be your hero

We run and run, I can barely keep up. These are the times I'm really happy I actually trained. "we're close, only a few more walls." I say, Lemillion gives me a determine nod. We pass through a few more walls we find ourselves in a hall with Overhaul, Eri, Blitz and another dude with a mask on. 

"Excuse me..." Lemillion mutters, he takes a few heavy breaths. "But can we ask you some questions...?" He asks, Overhaul and the other dude turn to us.

"You two shouldn't have been able to get here so fast." Overhaul says in a bored tone.

"we took a shortcut." I say, finally regaining the ability to breathe properly.

"We're here to rescue that girl." Lemillion says.

"Now that you know the situation, you're putting on your hero masks, huh? But back then, you were pretending not to see, weren't you? This girl doesn't want you to rescue her. To her, you're not heroes." Overhaul says.

"That's why we're here." I say, I glance over to Eri, her look of fear burning deep into my soul.

"I'm not getting through to you. Let me make this simpler-" Overhaul says as he goes to continue walking, Lemillion leaps forward and is about to faze through the floor. "I'm telling you to die." Suddenly a feeling of dizziness floods over me, I can tell Lemillion can feel it too as he falls to the ground. I know this feeling... it feels like I've drunk a little bit too much ketchup. I, having experience with this feeling, am able to stay standing.

"Wh-What?!" Lemillion says.

"Hahaha! Are you sloshed?" Says a guy hanging from the ceiling, it must be this guys Quirk, I shake my head and am able to gain a bit of my composure. "Your legsh look sshaky... Mine're too... Thash why I'm walkin' up 'ere... Don't get closh t' me..." Drunk ceiling dude says, Lemillion is just able to stand, he's using to wall to aid him. I notice Lemilion glance over to me, a look of confusion flashes across his face, but he regains focus on the villain. "You'll catcsh my drunkenesh..." The guy says, I lift my hand and am about to shoot a bone at the drunken dude when I hear a gun load and shoot. Lemillion dodges the bullet, an bullet is fired at me, so I dodge too.

"What's your Quirk?" Says the dude with the gun, Ima call him gun bird. 

"Permeation. When activated, I can slip through anything!" Lemillion says, I hear a short gasp before he covers his mouth. "I was wondering where you sprung up from. That's why you could get through Mimic and the others. And what's your Quirk?" The guy asks me.

"i... my quirk is nunya!" I say.

"Nunya, what?" Gun bird says.

"nunya business!" I say with a snicker, hah! Got'em!

"How did you..." Gun bird mutters, I check him. His Quirk is called confession.

"haha! what's the matter? did you think i was going to tell you everything like this is some sort of confession ceremony?" I say, Lemillion, and I make eye contact. I look from his eyes to the wall, then to the villains, now all I gotta do is make an opening. "you know, i'm actually rather curious,  do you feel any guilt for what you've helped to fuel? for the young girl who is used by her father to make these bullets... do you think there will be karma?" I say, wow, now I'm using these unnecessarily long monologues.

"I live for the young boss' ambition! He needs me! I must follow him! We'll walk together! We'll share the joy when it's realized! Now--" Gun bird yells, wow, this guys a simp. Drunk bird throws knives at us while gun bird shoots at us, I dodge. Lemillion fazes into the walls, he bounces around the room send sends the two villains flying. I teleport in, summon a G.blaster on my hand and blast the drunk bird guy. The villains land on the ground and aren't moving, Overhaul and the other guy stop. Lemillion fazes through the floor and appears behind Overhaul, I teleport beside him.

"Chisaki...!" Lemillion yells, he goes to his Overhaul, but he dodges, although Lemillion's hand grazes his face. I use one of my bones to hit the hooded dude in a white cloak in the stomach which loosens his grip on Eri. I snatch Eri out of his hands.

"Why... You can't be here... He'll kill you!" Eri says, with a sad look on her face.

"don't worry, eri, i won't let him hurt you anymore... i will protect you!" I say with a determined smile. Lemillion stands next to me, ready to fight. This is going to be interesting...

Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed the chapter!
