Enjoy the calm before the storm while it lasts

Tomorrow, that's the day.

It's the day of the school festival.

And the day where the fate of two worlds is decided.

Everyone was excited, most people didn't go to bed till 12. I wandered off earlier, making sure that the extractor was ready. This machine decided what would and wouldn't happen, I need to be confident that it'll work. I can't test it, only estimate and hope. Hope that it works.

I sigh, looking down at the machine. It was ready, I know it was ready. It had to be prepared. It had to work. It vanishes with a wave of my hand, I need to sleep tonight. I need to have enough energy for the performance, and whatever follows.

I flick the light off and flop onto my bed, the plush warmth of the rugs bringing me comfort. I'd noticed the amount of stress weighing on my mind, it wouldn't dissipate. The thoughts welled in my mind, what if this was the last time I saw anyone?

What if I die?

I try to shove the thoughts away and bury them deep, but that only causes the surface to crumble and the gaping hole to grow larger. Guilt grew. One person I knew would hurt.

I mumble to myself as I flick my bedside light on and grab my phone. We hadn't really talked since...

My soul tingled with guilt. I'd pushed him away like I always do. My finger hovered over the button, one button.

I owe him this.

I press the button

The phone buzzes, and just as I begin to contemplate hanging up, he answers. I take a deep breath.

"hey, aizawa." I murmur, the grip guilt had on my soul tightened.

"Hello, Sans." He says, the line falls silent. I bite down on my lip.

"i'm sorry." I mutter, the words were foreign, ones I didn't speak often. Not sincerely, at least.

"No, I pushed you. What you said was completely reasonable." He answers, I pause again.

"i want to answer your questions, all of them." I say, nodding my head at my decision. "after the festival, we can have a chat. you can ask all the questions you want, and I'll answer them all." I say, Aizawa seemed surprised.

"Alright." He answers. "You should sleep up then, you'll need enough energy for your performance." He says.

"planning to, i just wanted to get that off my chest," I say.

"Good night Sans. Sleep well." Aizawa breathes.

"goodbye, shota." I say before hanging up, those last two words. Was it idiotic to say that? Yes, now he'll be worried. But it felt right. I'd likely see him tomorrow, but that was my goodbye.

Just in case.

With that out of the way, I place the phone down, turn off the light and snuggle into my rugs. Sleep came easy and dreamless.

The calm before the storm.




Everyone in the class was nervous, even I was nervous. Everything was planned out, except for one thing. Midoriya wasn't here, I'd overheard someone say he went out to get rope earlier, but he wasn't back yet.

My phone buzzed in my pocket, I stared down at the notification. A cyberattack? On UA? I guess that feeling was right. I slink to the back of the class, pulling out my laptop. I look over the code, whoever this is, is highly skilled. My fingers hover over the keys for a moment, there is a good chance someone will catch me if I stay on too long. I needed to make this fast.

I scroll through the code and find the problem.

I begin writing in code, countering the other hacker. Sweat drips down my face as my fingers move across the keys at lightning speed. Their code changed and adapted as it fought my defences. I continued, writing algorithms to combat theirs. The thing I was fighting wasn't a person, but definitely a program. If I get out of the UA's security system, they won't be able to track me as quickly, that'll give me at least an extra five minutes.

I just need to get into the program's mainframe!

I pull up another tab, searching for any type of program this strong. It only takes a moment.


Before, I wouldn't have been able to find a program like this, but it was an easy road bump to go over with a specimen.

"Sans, dude. What're you doing? You look super focused!" Kaminari says as he tries to look over my shoulder, I shift so he can't see what I'm doing. I string the words together.

"i'm busy, i need to focus." I mutter as I fight the algorithm from the inside. Kaminari backs away, I can feel a few pairs of eyes gaze at me.


I enter a piece of code, the program stops its attack. Glitching before tearing itself to pieces. I lean back on my chair, letting out a breathy and relieved sigh. I minimize the tab.

"Are you done?" Kaminari asks as he walks over again.

"yeah." I let out an exaggerated sigh.

"What were you doing anyway?" He reaches down to the keys his fingers pull away instantly. "Ow! Hot!" He cries as he puts his index finger in his mouth. I snicker, trying to distract from the scene moments before.

"has midoriya shown up yet?" I ask across the room, Momo shakes her head.

"Not yet, I'm afraid." She answers, maybe I should go after him? No, I'd have no real exact place to look. He could be on the way in right now, and I could leave and be late. I couldn't hack into any cameras either, I've risked it enough already.

With that in mind.

I closed the lid of my laptop and shortcut it to the middle of a florist I'd passed on the other side of town, they'd track the computer soon enough. I'll send some money to compensate for the investigation. I open another program on my phone, self district mode. It didn't blow up the computer or anything, it just destroys every piece of data so it could never be backtracked to me.

"Yeaaahh! Prep work is all done, and it's time to rock!" Present Mic's voice shouts over the speakers. "Let's get this party going! If you can hear my voice get out there and have fun! Let me hear you make some noise!" Mic shouts, the time clicks to 9:00 am. "The UA festival starts! Now!"

"Alright! Let's head to the gym! We have one hour until the show!" Jiro shouts across the room, the class cheers in response before we pile out the room. Heading to the gym.

"You ready, Sans?" Jiro asks as she walks by my side.

"little nervous, but yeah. i'm trying to imagine it like the comedy shows i used to do." I chuckle fondly, Jiro smiles. "let's blow them away!" I give her the thumbs up, she mirrors my action. I bump my fist into hers.

When we entered the gym, almost everything was prepared, we just had to make sure all the speakers were plugged in along with some extra preparation.

Midoriya arrived ten minutes before we started, he was covered in dirt and was rather scratched up. When I'd asked what happened, he brushed it off, saying he'd tripped. I look out to the crowd, this was a lot more people than I'd expected. I summon my blasters two minutes before 10, getting them prepared. I nod to Jiro as the lights flick off.

10 am

Performance time.

The curtains opened, and cheers rang through the gym as light spilled into the rest of the room. The dancers were posing at the front of the stage, smiling at our audience. The crowd falls silent as the light dissipates.

"Now! Start, Damn it!" Bakugo Shouts. "Get ready, UA. Our sound is gonna kill you!" Bakugo lets off a large explosion sending a shockwave through the room as the stage lights and the music begins to play. The dancers danced, and the special effects rained from all around, the plan was simple but complicated. The effect would get more advanced as the show went on.

I'd insisted on Jiro being the main singer and me being the backing; she had way more experience than me.

-"Thanks for coming out today!"

-"thanks for coming out today!"

Jiro and I both shout.

(Enjoy the music, lol)

(Funny thing, before we go on, I was saving this chapter, but I pressed publish instead and freaked out. I quickly copied pasted the chapter onto another and deleted the one I accidentally posted. Lol, anyway, back to the story!)

I felt kinda awkward just standing there, I didn't have an instrument to play or any dance moves. So instead of standing there looking like an idiot until the singing began, I copied the dancers, having memorized and practised them just in case.

After the singing began, I only did simple choreography, nothing that would leave me out of breath—more or less copying Jiro's movements. Midoriya flings Aoyama up into the air, he lets off a quick lazar show before being caught by Ojiro. I smile to myself, Midoriya would've ended up having to carry Aoyama around if I hadn't stepped in. He'd said he'd promised Eri he'd be on stage, and I couldn't bring myself to let her down. Midoriya had thanked me profusely.

The song was rapidly growing in intensity, the special effects team began. Ice sprinkles down from the sky, lights dance around the room, streamers fire out into the audience, an explosion erupts from the back, I carry Aoyama around while he acts as our disco ball, and my lazars show light up the front of the stage. The audience cheers, and people dance along.

I quieten along with most of the music, Jiro's voice echoes through the audience, quieting them. The song reaches its climax growing louder and louder, excitement rings through the hall. I lock onto Eri and Mirio and almost cry as I see a bright smile radiating from Eri. The feeling of goosebumps ring up and down my body as I see that smile.

As the song comes to a close, I scan the room looking for one more person, I find him. We lock eyes, I flash a large grin at the man. I can see a slight smirk residing on the man's face.

If only I could see it up close, but I couldn't stay after this. He was going to come after me as soon as he found out I'd left. I'd prepared ahead of time, a message prewritten on my phone. I'd send the message the second before I left.

If I could, I would stay and enjoy the festival with everyone, but this was more important. No matter what, I had to get there.

But for these last few minutes, I could enjoy the smiling faces for one last time, I didn't want to think of it that way, but... If that's what's going to happen, so be it, I'd enjoy this day like it was my last.

Because it might be.

A/N: Hello!!!!! I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Wowza, I'm excited for the next chapter! It'll likely start with a quick Aizawa pov before the main event! So be prepared! I should have the next chapter out next week!

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