Ultimate moves

I open my eyes to see an unfamiliar room, I jump out of bed, then I realize I'm just in my dorm. Whoops. I go downstairs and get ready for school, then I teleport to class.

"I believe I mentioned this yesterday, but for now, Class 1-A of the hero course will be focusing on getting their provisional licenses." Dadzawa explains.

"Yes, sir!" The class responds, Dadzawa explains how difficult it is to pass the exam and says we will be making at least two ultimate moves. Cementoss, Midnight and Ectoplasm enter the room. Everyone gets really excited, the heroes begin explaining the importance of our own ultimate moves.

"Change into your costumes and meet in Gym Gamma." Aizawa explains, the teachers leave the room, I teleport to the change room. Just as I put my shirt on, all the boys enter the room, imagine if they saw my scar... they'd have so many questions... questions I would avoid at all cost. I teleport to Gym Gamma and wait for everyone to arrive since I got there before everyone, like usual... in this universe at least. The teachers explain everything, then we are all set up with ectoplasms clones. 

I stand on my column with the clone, the clone nods, and I charge at it. I dodge and send some bones through the clone, it poofs but is soon replaced.

"Hey, young Sans!" I hear All Might yell as he walks toward me.

"oh, hey, all might." I say.

"I have some advice for you, most of your attacks are long range, try to focus on some close up attacks." All Might says, I nod, and he gives me the thumbs up, then he walks away.

"close range..." I mutter, then it hits me, I nod at the clone. It charges at me, I summon a G.blaster on my hand and shoot him with it, then I summon a bone and hit him across the head with it. The clone poofs, and another one appears.

"We should work on the close range bone attack." Ectoplasm suggests I nod, for the rest of the day. At this point, spinning the bone in my hand is like second nature.

(Explanation; it's like he's using a bō staff+ his other attacks.)

Authors note:

378 words

