The Fair

Chapter 17: The Fair

A loud bang on my window woke me up. I jumped falling to the floor. I got up and looked out the window to see Kate on my little roof balcony type thing. She waved at me excitedly. I opened the window and she slid in.

"The first day of the fair is today!"

"Really?" It's like a tradition for Kate and I to go to the first day of the fair every year. I rushed to my closet. I grabbed shorts and a batman tank top that I had to put one of those tub top bra things under it. I grabbed my white converse and rushed around my room packing a bag. All the while Kate just sat on my bed and watched me run back and forth in my room. I grabbed my song book for emergencies, my camera for pictures, my skate board to ride,

"You rode your bike here right?" I asked her stopping in my tracks.

"Of course, how else would I get here?" She asked.

"Right..." I mumbled.

"Come on!" I signaled her to follow me and we rushed down the stairs. My mom was in the kitchen on her phone. I rushed past her grabbing her toast.

"Bye mom!"

"Bye Amy!" Kate said.

"Bye girls." She said not taking her eyes off of her phone. Kate told her yesterday she was taking me somewhere. And Kate always sneaks in so my mom doesn't care. One time she asked Kate why she sneaks in when she can use the front door. Kate replied with: But it's more fun that way.

I waited for Kate to get on her bike. I set my skate board down and got on. Kate caught up to me moments later. She can cycle really fast. She wins our national competition and only at fifteen. (About to be 16) that reminds me, I have to throw her a surprise sweet sixteen like she did for me a few months ago. We got to the fair and just walked around until it got darker. That's when all the fun begins. We saw the circus, played a few games, then I got an idea.

"Can I invite Jayce?" I asked taking a huge bite of my cotton candy. She rolled her eyes after taking a lick or her ice cream.

"Fine." She said raising one eyebrow suggestively. I just rolled my eyes and dialed his number.

"Hello?" He asked sounding sleepy.

"Hey babe did I wake you?" I asked.

"Yeah but that's ok. Just taking a nap." I could hear him situating as he said it.

"Well, Kate and I are at the fair and I was wondering if you wanted to join us!"

"Uh, yeah sure! I'll be there in ten!"

"Okay meet us by the..." I looked around for a location until I spotted Jake's Pancakes.

"Jake's Pancakes." He chuckled on the other end.

"Okay." We both said bye and I hung up. Kate and I walked over to the place we were meeting Jayce and had to strain ourselves from asking for a pancake. They looked so good!

About ten minutes later I could see my boyfriend approach us. Wow it felt good to say that. I greeted him with a short peck on the lips.

"Hey Kate!" I could tell she practically melted at that. She walked around for a bit joking and just having fun until we came across a photo booth. Jay stuck in a dollar and we all went in. There was a box of costumes on the floor and we each picked up something. I picked up a pink cowgirl hat with pink and sparkly feathers on the outer rim. The funniest part was that it was leopard printed. I grabbed pink sunglasses in the shape of a star. Jayce grabbed an old army hat, back from when America won independence and Kate grabbed giant glasses and a book hat. We started off taking a serious photo. Then dramatic, after that confused, then we all just posed with goofy grins on our faces. They turned out great. When we got out Jay asked me something.

"You wanna take one just you and me?" I nodded.

"Can you wait a sec?" I asked Kate.

"Yeah!" She waved her hand at me telling me it was fine. Jay slipped another dollar in and we climbed onto the seat. He asked for three copies from the machine.

"Why three?" I asked. He didn't answer. He pushed the costumes aside and we started posing. We took one with just us smiling normally, then one of us kissing, another caught us off guard while we were looking at each other lips, (romantic right?) and lastly one of us making a silly face. The looked adorable. Jay took two and I took one.

"Our turn!" Kate said wrapping an arm around me and pushing me into the booth. I quickly slipped in a dollar. Most of the pictures were just us with goofy faces, except the last one. That one was us just smiling. We got out and Jay was no were to be found.

"Come on, he will find us later." Kate said pushing me away from the booth.

"Ooh! Burgers!" Kate shouted jumping up then running over to it like a cartoon character. I rolled my eyes. She can be such a pig sometimes. I walked over and looked up at the sign. 'Hutson's Cow Burgers'....what else would they be made of?

"Next!" The guy shouted. Kate walked up to the man and handed him a twenty.

" two double cheese burgers no tomato on one but no onion on the other." He nodded writing it down. I hate tomato.

"You know me too well!" I told her nudging her with my elbow. She just smiled flipping her hair as she turned to grab our order. We walked out of line and she handed me my sandwich. I bit into it and moaned with pleasure. It was a good burger.

"Thanks for the food!" I told her with a mouth full of goodness.

"Your welcome." She said before stuffing her face with half the burger.

"So... I have a crush." She said really fast. I gagged spitting out the small bite I took onto my plate. We continued walking.

" Who?" I almost shouted.

"Well...he's one of Jay's friends. But he doesn't know I exsist." She stated taking another bite.

"Which one?" I asked. She finished chewing and swallowed before answering.

"Jack." My confusion must have been clear on my face because she described him.

"Brown hair. Blue eyes..." I raise one eyebrow still confused.

"Jay's best friend." She said before swallowing another bite. I made a sound to say: oh. I realized I finished my burger and threw out my plate with Kate. Then an idea popped into my head. What if I invite Jack to her sweet sixteen and make him dance with her?

Then my phone buzzed. Jay. He sent me a text asking where we were. I told him the place and a few minutes later, he showed up. He was gone for like an hour. I didn't bother asking him where he went. He was mysterious like that. We got back to my house. Kate was sleeping over. Kate went inside but Jayce grabbed my arm stopping me. I turned to face him.

"Yeah?" I asked. He pulled his hand out of his pocket and put his hand against mine putting something in my hand. When he released my hand I looked at it. A heart shaped locket. My eyes sparkled at it.

"Open it." He said. I opened it. The pictures of us at the fair were shrunk and put in heart form to fit. It had four parts to it unlike any other locket I had ever seen.

"Turn it to the back." My heart raced at I closed it and turned it to the back. Engraved into the back of the locket were the words. 'You're The Best Thing That's Ever Happened To Me - Jayce' tears filled my eyes. I looked up to him biting my lip to hold back the biggest smile ever. I reached up and hugged him as the tears of happiness fell down my cheek. We stopped hugging and I wipped my tears. He pushed my head up gently with his index finger on my chin. He pushed a piece of hair behind my ear and kissed me. I didn't have to say thanks because, you could feel every emotion that went on between us, in that kiss.


Awh!!!!! I love this chapter! How bout you? :D
