Dinner Date pt2

Chapter 11: Dinner Date pt2

I went downstairs into the kitchen and grabbed two water bottles hoping it would sober him up. I came back in his room and shut the door behind me. I turned and he was hovering over me, I hate it when he does that. I took a deep breath and pushed him away lightly. I inhaled his smell of alcohol. I scrunched up my nose and Jay chuckled.

"What?" I asked.

"You looked cute when you scrunch up your nose." He stepped closer and put my hair behind my ear. I was startled but quickly remembered he was drunk. He didn't mean it. I pushed him back.

"You need a shower!" I said scrunching my nose again. Plus it will make him sober.

"A what?" He asked oh no! There was no way I was giving him a shower! I pushed him into his bathroom praying the butler fixed the plumbing.

"You'll figure it out!" He turned on the water and stepped into the shower fully clothed.

"No! You have to...take off your clothes before you shower!" I told him.

"How do I do that?" He asked smirking. It's official drunk Jay = lustful Jay. He pulled me into the shower an I got drenched.

"Jay!" I protested. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer. I struggled to get let go but he has a strong grip for someone who wasn't stopping my blood flow...even though he could. Finally I gave up.

"You're lucky I haven't changed yet!" I yelled.

"Don't change...your perfect the way you are." He put another strand of hair behind my ear. Okay...I blushed on that one but I know it was just his drunkness talking.

"I meant my clothes!" I said narrowing my eyes.

"Who needs clothes!" He said with a wave of his hand. I giggled.


"Not Adam and Eve!"

"Not until they bit the apple!" I put my hands on my hips proud of my comeback. He leaned closer and whispered in my ear.

"If they hadn't bitten the apple, they wouldn't need them. Clothes hold us down." I froze as he stepped out of the shower. Damn.

Instead of letting me go to my room he made me put on one of his shirts like in those romance movies. Was Jayce secretly a romantic? Awe!!! I stood in the bathroom doorway as I watched his back flex as he pulled his shirt over his head. Damn. He turned around.

"Did the shower sober you up?" I asked.

"Not completely..." He smirked stepping closer. Damn has he ever heard of personal space?!

"Liar!" I yelled hitting his chest. I crossed my arms walking away.

"I need my shirt!" He called out. I turned around.

"After I get into my dress!"

"How about before?" He questioned wiggling his eyebrows. I turned and walked away.

"Nice try man whore!" I shut my door. I could tell he was smirking. I got changed into my dress and walked out. Jay walked out at the same time I did. We both took time to look at each other. He had a fitted shirt with the collar popped up. His shirt had four buttons at the top and he left one opened. He had light colored jeans and his shirt was black. He had on one of his hats making sure you could see the front of his hair. His jet black...gorgeous hair and blue eyes.

"You clean up nice doll face." He smirked. He popped up his collar one more time, ran a hand through his hair one more time and headed down stairs. I bit my lip and walked after him. We came down stairs and my sister and his brother were shouting at a football game with our dads while our moms chatted in the kitchen. We stood side by side and looked up and down at each other before going our separate ways. He walked to the couch and I walked into the kitchen. My mom had on a white dress that almost touched the floor while Jay's mom wore a dress that looked like it came from the movie Back To The Future. (The first one). Then the doorbell rang. We all stopped. The living room was silent. We all rushed to the table. Both Jay's and my dads had on suits. Mr. Hinton ran to the door. Before he opened it he straightened his suit in the mirror and opened the door. His boss.

"Watch out...he's rude." Jay whispered. Great.

We all sat and got comfortable as Mrs. Hinton got the garlic bread and sat them on the table. When all of us were settled we got talking.

"Jay." The man said with a single nod.

"Bill." Jay returned the favor in a more hateful tone. Bill was older with grey hair but no facial hair. He had blue eyes...not as amazing as Jay's but still pretty decent.

"So Jay...are you getting...better?" He asked with disgust.

"Nope." Jayce said sitting back in his chair as if he were on top of the world.

"I heard you fell from this young lady's roof!" Bill confirmed looking at me. After Jayce not answering, Bill just turned to his brother.

"Mathew! How's that cut?" He asked. Jay got wide eyed and suddenly didn't look confident anymore. Their parents looked a little confused.

"Good." Mathew mumbled not looking up from his lap.

"Son it's rude of you not to look at me when you talk!" Bill snapped in a sort of nice tone.

"Sorry sir." Matt mumbled eyeing him for a second. He turned to their parents who sat side by side.

"Raise kids with better manners." He snapped once again in a nice tone...sort of. Then he turned to my parents. Dear lord...

"I hope you raised good children." He eyed them. God so help me. He turned to May. God no....

"What's it like being the youngest? Treated unfairly right?" To scared to diss agree with him she just nodded covering her face with her long brown hair.

"Don't you ever wish you had better parents?" He asked. I clenched my teeth.

"No sir." She squeaked.

"Why? Don't you feel they hate you?" I kept curling and uncurling my fists to keep from snapping at him to stop messing with her. She was fourteen for god sake.

"And Ryan? Is it?" I nodded plastering a fake smile on my face.

"That's a boys name." He said taking a bite of a turkey leg. Don't you think I know that?

"Well, it can be a girls name-"

"nope. It's either one or the other not both." He cut me off that rude son of a-

"hey.." He leaned forward in his chair.

"Aren't you adopted?" He asked squinting at me. Fear washed over me and I glanced at Jay who also looked worried.

"What's it like to not see your real parents...these guys aren't real! They only feel pity for you! You don't belong in this family!" He said gesturing toward my family. Tears weld up in my eyes. They looked worried. Everyone knows how sensitive I am about this.

"You know how your parents died right?" He asked. I nodded closing my eyes wishing it was a dream.

"They got shot! And your father did it!" He reclined in his chair again.

"But that's okay. They were bad parents too! Letting you see that horrible, horrible abuse." Was it on this guys bucket list to ruin me? I'm already shy as it is. I looked at my hands.

"How do you even remember it? Considering it happened so long ago..." I stood up making my chair squeak across the floor.

"May I be excused?" I asked. Without waiting for an answer I threw my napkins on the table and walked out. Bill just sat there as if he didn't do anything wrong.

Once I was out of sight, I climbed up the stairs crying silently. When I got to the top I could hear Jay screaming at Bill at how he was a cold-hearted bastard and so on and so forth. I slammed my door shut and crawled onto my bed grabbing my teddy bear and hugging it tightly as if it could make me dissapear. Jay creeped into my room and crawled into my bed next to me. He hugged me as I buried my face into his chest. He shushed me silently. He kissed my forehead and gave me comforting words. I looked up at Jay and kissed him. For once I made the first move. He didn't care. He just went with my pace. He rested a hand on my hip and one on my cheek. I didn't know what to do with my hands so I wrapped them around his neck. He shifted to make us more comfortable. The only thing I felt was passion. Not lust, or hurry. Passion. All of my pain washed away and was replaced by sparks. I felt safe in his grasp. Like I was invisible, invincible, and protected. After the kiss I just buried my face in his chest again and he rested his head, on top of mine.


Talk about a bossy asshole! [No pun intended! ;) ]

Here's the next chapter!!!!!!
