Holy Shit-nizzles I Forgot!

Chapter 8: Holy Shit-nizzle I Forgot!

"Swim try outs are next week." I stopped and my eyes went wide.

"Kate! You tell me this at school a week before? I didn't have anytime to practice!" I screamed in her face while she flinched. The final bell rang and I rushed home. My truck has been resting in the driveway since Jayce has been giving me rides but today he couldn't because he got a detention for...you know. The rain stopped when I got home and I looked in Jayce's back yard. A pool came into view...but I need an indoor pool. Oh well. It will have to do. I got dressed into a bikini. I always practice in a bikini, don't know why I just do. I grabbed a towel and walked out back. I put my stuff down on a chair and right when I was gonna dive in someone grabbed my waist and pulled me back. I knew that touch from anywhere. The way his skin left mine buzzing. It was all to familiar. I spun around to see Jay.

"Might not wanna do that."

"Why not?" I whispered a little embarrassed since I was only wearing a bikini which is like wearing only a bra and undies.

"Prank." He winked.

"Here I'll take you to our indoor pool." He took my hand and my cheeks flushed red. He looked back at me.

"You look sexy in that bikini by the way." He winked at me. My jaw dropped for a second and my cheeks turned redder. I could see him smirking now. Was he flirting? I think he was. He dragged me to the indoor pool. It was huge and I was ready to jump in it. I dived in and began working on my breast stroke. My weakest. When I finished I didn't realized Jayce was still here leaning against a wall.

" you did what? 50 laps?" He asked

"60" I choked up. He nodded.

"I'll bet I can beat you." And before I knew it his shirt was off. I couldn't help but stare. His abs were so perfectly engraved it looks like he chiseled them himself. He left me breathless.

"What's the matter doll face? You act like you've never seen a half naked guy before." He smirked. Before I could respond he spoke again.

"Unless, that was you spying on me the other night." He tilted his head to the side a bit. My jaw dropped but I quickly closed it. My cheeks flared. He jumped in right next to me startling me.

"What's the matter doll face you look like you've seen a ghost." He always left me speechless when our bodies were close. I could feel his body heat radiating off of him. I inhaled his scent.

Just then his mom walked in.

"Oh hey guys! Going for a swim?" I backed away a little.

"Uh yea..." She nodded sitting towels down for us. When she left he just laughed.

"What's so funny?" I asked

"I love how scared you can get." I saw friskyness in his eyes. He picked me up.

"Jayce? Please no! Ahh!" I covered my eyes with my hands as he sent me flying into the air. My body hit the water and I opened my eyes as I slowly sank to the bottom. Jay swam towards me. When he got in front of me he stopped, still swaying his hands to keep from floating. He smirked at me. Soon I ran out of breath and popped out of the water. Jay popped up seconds later. I went to the shallow end and got out. I grabbed my towel and looked in the pool.

"What? You act like you've never seen a girl in a bikini." I smirked. He only smirked in return. As he got in shallower water it was like in the movies when the guy gets out of water and it slowly reveals his abs. Dear lord Jesus.

"What? You act like you've never seen a guy in a swimsuit." He smirked. I bit my bottom lip. His arms snaked around my waist as he tried to grab his stuff. Even though we just came from cold water, his body was warm. God was he a werewolf or something? Even the slightest touch made me shiver. He put his lips near my ear.

"You're too easy doll face." He whispered. I got a better grip of my lip with my teeth. Then he left. Next week calls for swim tryouts.


Woah. Look at my message board for explanation on why I haven't updated.
