Down Fall

Chapter 18: Down Fall

"No. My favorite color is green." I told Jay pushing him to the side. He keeps insisting my favorite color is pink because I wear a pink bracelet everyday. He got up to leave.

"No!" I said grabbing his arm. I pulled him back down on my bed.

"Stay." He sat down and just stared at me for a few moments. I began playing with my locket. He leaned in and just as we began kissing a bright light shone through my window. As in, blinding. I got up to go and check it out, I looked out the window and the cops were at Jay's house. I panicked.

"Uh. Jay? You may wanna take a look at this..." My heart sped faster and faster as he came over to the window and peaked out.

"Jayce? W-what are they doing there?" I asked clutching his shirt in my fist.

"I don't know." He cleared his throat. Just then the cop called out for him. And Jay turned to leave grabbing his coat.

"Jay what did you do?" I asked. He didn't answer so I ran after him, down my stairs.

"Jay what did you do?" I almost screamed. Then he turned around.

"Nothing!" He leaned down and kissed me,

"I didn't do anything." He walked out the door and I ran after him. Soon everyone was out of the house. My family, his family, the whole neighborhood. The cops saw him come from my house and rushed over to him. I tried to run after him but was stopped my my mom.

"No Hun, he's dangerous." Anger boiled inside of me. How dare she say that?

"Oh look who's talking! You are the one who set me and him up!" My parents gave me a sheepish look as I tore my arm from them. I whipped out my phone for the latest news. Apparently someone robbed a convenient store. And they think he did it. They hooked the cuffs on him and turned him towards the car.

"Jay!" I yelled. He turned and immediately began to fight the cops to get to me. I ran up to him.

"Ryan, Ry. I didn't do anything okay? I'm innocent this time. I promise!" One last four second kiss and he was ripped away from me. The cops drove off, everyone went back into their houses and the Hintons were on their way to the police station. I collapsed to the ground. Moments later a bike dropped next to me and Kate picked up my arms forcing my head up.

"Looks who's here." She said making me look above her. Jack.

We walked inside my house and into my kitchen. My nosy sister left to the crime scene and my parents were watching a movie upstairs so we were good. Jack leaned against the counter with Kate while I half leaned against the couch.

"He didn't do it." Jack said after a few moments of silence. He had brown hair and blue eyes. He wore a red shirt that was a little tight fitted to show his muscles. I caught Kate staring at him. I wasn't going to lie, he was sexy. But not as gorgeous as Jayce. He was a goddess.

"I know." I mumbled. I huffed putting my hands on my hips for a sec. Finally, I just grabbed my purse and keys and randomly left them there. And Kate can hit on him while I'm gone.

The cop showed me to the room that had windows so they could keep an eye on us. I saw Jay first thing.

"Jay!" I rushed over to him and was about to hug him when the cop tapped on the glass and waved his finger in the air saying no. I huffed again. I sat down across from him.

"I lost the case." He sighed. I just looked down at my hands.

"I'm going to be in here for four months." I snapped up.

"What?" I asked my eyes beginning to water. No. This- this can't be happening. All I've ever wanted was happiness. Was that so much to ask? And it all started the day my parents died. All happiness gone.

"No, don't cry!" Not listening to the cops, he got up and sat me on his lap.

"The days will fly by real fast, I promise. I'll take courses so I can stop I'll graduate with you." He stroked my hair as a tear rolled down my cheek.

"Jayce?" I asked


"Did you do it?" I asked. I had to know. He huffed running a hand through his hair. I bit my lip from nervousness.

"Why would you even question it?" He asked calmly.

"It's just that, your past-" he cut me off by shushing me.

"I understand where you're coming from. I would ask too." He still didn't answer my question.

"Did you?"

"No." A bit of relief washed over me.

"I love you." I couldn't help it. The words just slipped out.

"I love you too." I never imagined anyone but my family telling that to me. I opened his hand and placed in the pictures we took at the fair three weeks ago. These next four month were going to be hell. Then a cop came in telling us our time was up. I gave him one last kiss, grabbed my bag and walked out the door. Many people saw me leave crying. Many people gave me nasty looks. But others sympathy. I walked down the hall looking at all of the faces, and expressions. Whipping tears, finally realizing something. Sometimes in life we judge. I judged Jay when I first met him. And he judged me. We judge people even without realizing it. And that's why some people are broken. That's why we became a plastic society. That's why Jayce was accused. Because he was judged.


YOU GUYS ARE SO PATIENT!!!! Thank you so much!

So here is your chapter! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ cliff hanger!


๐Ÿ˜ it's all part of my evil plan! *rubs hands together evily*

Anyway, see ya next chapter!
