No Touchy

Chapter 3: No Touchy

I woke up the next morning and walked downstairs.

"Honey can you wake Jay for me?" Mrs. Hinton asked. I nodded turning back around. I got to his door and sucked in a breath. I knocked slightly. Then a little harder. Finally I cracked it open. A girl was under the covers with Jay. (They were just laying there relax) Thank god she was clothed.

"Oh my I'm so sorry!" I squeaked shutting my eyes tight and covering it with my hands. Jayce had pants on on so he shut the door after I backed into the hallway. I ran to my room and shut the door breathing heavily. Ew. I ran to my chair and began to read to get my mind off of things. I don't know how long but I'd say a half an hour later Jay came in slamming the door behind him making me jump. He approached me fast. I dropped my book and covered my face with my hands as if somehow he wouldn't see me or I'd dissapear.

"I didn't see anything, I didn't hear anything, nothing happened please don't kill me." I squeaked really fast like a mouse begging a cat not to kill it. When he just stood there I opened one eye then slowly opened the other.

"I need you to cover for me." He seem so scary right now I was afraid to say no. I gulped.

"Okay." I whispered.

"When I leave tonight just say I'm at a friends house okay?" I nodded slowly. I was shaking. He stormed out of my room. I got up and looked out my window that saw out into the backyard. The girl snuck out and gave Jay the flirty fingers before cutting through our backyard into hers into what I assume to be her house. One of the reasons my mom accepted living here for a while was because she knew I would fear Jay and he wouldn't want anything to do with me and just keep to himself. He's not doing a very good job of doing that. I heard a motorcycle rumble and I'm sure that was Jay's.

The moment I came down the stairs Mrs. Hinton asked me to do a favor.

"Ryan honey, can you go into Jace's room and get me his dirty clothes?" She asked sweetly as she folded her clothes. I nodded even though I didn't want to go into Jayce's room. I opened the door afraid he'd still be there but he wasn't. His room looked like any other boys room. Messy. But nothing was on the floor. His dresser had magazines of the usual, cars, motorcycles and girls. His boom box had a ton of CDs on it. His bed had clothes on it that looked fresh. He had a bayside window that had an iPad on it. I pushed my glasses up on my nose. I searched his closet and found his dirties. Right when I pulled out the wash basket a box fell on my head. I rubbed the spot it hit. I picked up the box and saw it was a box of condoms. Gross! I dropped the box and kicked it deeper into the closet. I grabbed the basket and ran downstairs. "Thanks hon!" Mrs. H exclaimed in an appreciative way. I shuddered. I am never going back there again.


(you might want to listen to beneath your beautiful by labrinth for more effect)

Later that night Jay came home. But he looked hurt. I got up from my bed and peaked through the crack in my door. He sat down slowly on his bed. He was topless but had scratches all over him. What caught my eye the most was a small hole in his side. This was a huge risk but my mother instincts kicked in even though I'm not a mother yet. I walked into my bathroom and wet a paper towel with rubbing alcohol and walked into Jayce's room. He looked surprised. Thank god I forgot to take my contacts out before I went to bed again. I turned on his table lamp and stood awkwardly in front of him. The closer I stepped the more tense he got. When I went to but the paper towel on him he backed away. It never occurred to me he has no one to take care of him.

"Please. Let me help." I said softly. I dabbed his scratches with the alcohol and he sucked in through his teeth.

"This is a big step for you doll face." He whimpered.

"I know. so who was that girl?" I asked.

"The one you walked in on?" He smirked shamelessly. My face turned red as I nodded. I didn't even look at him.

"My girlfriend." I felt a little jealous. Maybe if I wasn't so scared of him I'd have a chance. I couldn't help but glance at his stab wound. That's when I realized I was touching his muscles. It was through a paper towel but still.

"I'll be right back." I whispered. I got bandage wrap from my room and wrapped some of it around his waist covering his wound.

" keep this on." I whispered trying not to sound to demanding.

"So how did this happen?" I asked to start conversation so it wasn't so awkward.

"I'm a street fighter." I nodded telling him to continue.

"The guy I was fighting cheated and stabbed me." He hissed.

"Ouch." I said for him. He chuckled

"you should see the other guy." I looked up into his eyes.

"Thanks." He muttered. I looked down and said

"you're welcome"

"how did you end up falling through my roof?" I asked. He chuckled.

"That's a story for another time doll face" his closeness made me a little uncomfortable. He smirked his signature smirk. He watched me as I walked back to my room a leaving the door open a small crack. I crawled into bed.

So the bad boy has a bad girl huh? I kinda wished he liked good girls.


Hi! Here's the chapter! We should try to get a lot of reads fast.
