Changing? Yeah Right! And I'm Santa Clause!

Chapter 13: Changing? Yeah Right! And I'm Santa Clause!

Dinner. Dinner with Aiden.

I sat in my usual spot but this time Jayce sat across from me leaving me, of all people, alone next to Aiden. Right when he sat down and Mrs. H was setting the table, guess what he did? He touched my thigh! I froze. Should I move it? Or keep it there? Does he think I like him? Ew! No he's my cousin. I looked at Jay wide eyed. He pulled his fork off the table making it look like an accident. I was holding my breath. I didn't realize it until Jay came up too fast and hit his head on the table. Aiden whipped both of his hands in the air to catch a candle. I wish it was light so he'd burn and have to go home. I sighed of relief that his hand was off of me. Jayce grunted rubbing the spot he hit on his head on his way back up. We all joined hands.

"Aiden why don't you say grace?" My mom asked him. My eyes nearly popped out of my head.

"Sure thing Mrs. Cosbeck!" He lowered his head with everyone else. I began to mouth words to my mom as she fought back. We had a silent conversation. My mouthing words like, 'are you crazy?' And her saying 'hell ya I am'

"dear God," Aiden spoke. We both lowered our heads. Oh god he was probably going to say thanks for hot girls and beer. Or even...I scrunched my nose up in disgust. I swear he is going to be a rapist.

"Thank you for." My heart was racing faster and faster. Finally Mary kicked me under the table. I must have been biting my lip. I don't know why everyone hates it when I do that.

"The amazing food that Mrs. Hinton has set up for us and bless them with eternal happiness for letting my family stay with them." My whole family snapped their heads up in confusion. Mom and Mary shrugged it off but dad and I continued to looked at each other.

"Amen." Everyone rose their heads and everyone's hands dropped to eat.

"I've changed." Aiden whispered. I snapped my head up at him.

"Changing? Yeah right! And I'm santa clause!" I snapped. I turned and bit into my food furiously.


After dinner I put all the plates in the sink and started heading out of the kitchen. I stopped in front of Aiden. I gulped. He backed me against the wall. I hit my head. Hard. He was standing in front of me.

"So much for changing." I mumbled.

"I said I was changing not that I'd never stop loving you."

"Aiden were cousins."

"But your adopted." He smirked. I crinkled my nose in disgust.

"Hey!" Aiden and I both turned our heads. It was Jay.

"She obviously doesn't like you near her!" Damn protective much? Aiden threw his hands up in surrender and backed away. I took this opportunity to get free. I went into my bedroom and Jay followed. He shut the door behind him.

"Stop letting people treat you like a door matt!" He almost yelled.

"I can't help it." I said looking out the window. He grabbed my arm kinda roughly and spun me to face him.

"I don't like seeing you get hurt." He told me sweetly.

"Deal with it. It happens." I said with no emotion. He grabbed me by my arms and pulled me into a tight and fast kiss. It slowed down a bit and he placed his hands on my hips while I kept mine on his chest. He released.

"Fuck." He muttered. The door swung open and Jayce moved me behind him. Aiden.

"So this is why your rejecting me! You love him!" He yelled pointing an accusing finger at Jay.

"You love me?" He asked turning to me. My heart stopped. I wanted to say, well yeah dipshit. But I had no courage at the moment. The world was on pause all eyes on me. I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. I just shut it again. Suddenly Jayce was on the ground and his lip was bleeding. I gasped sitting in my chair. More punches and tackles were thrown.

"Stop!" I cried tears streaming down my face.

"If you loved me you'd stop!" I yelled. They both stopped simultaneously. Jay had Aiden's shirt in his fist and was about to punch him. Jay put him down. I buried my face in my hands and Jay sat next to me. I could tell by his scent. He pulled me into him and Aiden just stood there awkwardly. He stormed out slamming the door making me jump a little.


After that whole mess Jay and I sat on my bed, me as close to him as possible. He didn't seem to mind. My shirt was lifted a little and his arm wrapped around me leaving his hand to touch my open skin. Everything always feels better when he's holding me.

"You still never told me why or how you fell through my roof." I brought up.

"I did it to get to know you." I looked up at him to catch me looking at me. His eyes sparkled.

"Really?" I asked. He didn't talked. He turned his attention back to the TV on my dresser. I just did the same. Damn. Why was he so perfect?


Hmmm....why did he say f***?


Opinions on a small and quick Jay POV?
