Not An Attention Seeker

Chapter 4: Not An Attention Seeker

"Doll Face Get up!" Jay shouted barging into my room. I jumped up immediately. He walked into my closet. He tossed me a shirt, shorts, and a beanie.

"Get dress an hurry!" I quickly got up and got dressed when he left. I quickly got ready taking my contacts out and sticking on my glasses. I grabbed my backpack and ran downstairs outside where Jay was on his bike with his backpack on.

"Get on!" He screamed over the roar of the engine. My mouth dropped.

"NOW!" He shouted making me jump. I put my extra books in my bag and hoped on clinging to his waist tightly. Just then Mrs. H walked out screaming.

"Jay when I said give her a ride I didn't mean on your bike!" She yelled as we turned so our back were facing her. He gave her the finger and we sped off. I didn't want to walk into school like this but I couldn't make myself get loud enough to tell him that. I hung on for my life. I rested my head on his back and closed my eyes. When we stopped at a light he yelled back to me.

"Can you hold anytighter?" He smirked. I loosened my grip a little. Just before we took of again I took off my hat and held it. WHERE WAS MY HELMET?! We pulled into the school parking lot. Usually people don't stare but seeing me one the back made them stare. I got off the bike stumbling.

"Your face looks green doll face." He smirked passing me. I took my extra books out of my back pack and walked into the school having everyone's eyes on me. I tried not to make eye contact by keeping my head down.

"Ryan!" I snapped my head up. Kate ran up to me and hugged me. Unlike me she was extremely out going and I was jealous of that. She has blueish eyes and brown hair.

"Why is everyone staring at you?" She questioned. I whispered in her ear about my house and how I have to stay at his. She squealed at this drawing more attention.

"Shhh!" I began to flip out.

"Calm down Ry! A little attention will do you good!" She said slapping my back.

"Did you see his muscles?" Kate is all about boys. I nodded. Still looking at the ground as we walked.

"Ooh!" She squealed.

"Stop squealing your attraction attention!" I shushed her again. She just rolled her eyes and flipped her hair. I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw Jayce and his girlfriend walking down the hall. I hid behind Kate. As Jay pasted her he winked at her.

"Come on Ry! Just because you used to like hide doesn't mean you should now!" She spun around putting her hands on my shoulders.

"You don't like him anymore!" My face turned red at her statement. Her eyes grew wide.

"You like him again!" I kept walking ignoring her comment. I began to speed walk.

"How was your vacation?" I asked in attempt to change the subject. She jumped in front of me.

"Stop trying to change the subject! I can imagine it now! They live in the same house, fall in love, get married, grow old together. OMG! Ry, you have a chance to tame Jayce Ryley Hinton!" I shook my head fast. As you can see, Kate is a hopeless romantic.

"No one can tame him. Plus he has a girlfriend!" I had to think of more excuses before she-

"those are just excuses. Anything is possible." Her eyes glowed.

"It's never gonna happen Kate!" Just then the late bell rang and we ran to class.

"Girls why are you late?" Asked Mr. Grazen.

"Sorry." I mumbled.

"We got to school late...we took the bus this morning!" Kate lied to save our asses. Yes I curse. We took our seats in the back of the class. Even though I prefer the front, people like to stare at the people in the front and I don't like that.

"Does he have a nickname for you? He has a nickname for everyone he meets." Kate whispered.

"Doll face." I mumbled. She gasped turning a few heads. She pulled her eyebrows together and shooed them away with her hand. She was turned to face me while I was trying to take notes.

"Does he have a nice house? Well, of course he does he's rich. But what if he seems rich but really isn't." Put down my pencil as she continued to confuse herself.

"Kate! Kate! Katheren! I'll tell you every detail after school." She nodded. She hates it when I say her full first name so I say it to get her attention when she does this. I don't like attention. That's why I shut her up.


During lunch we sat at our usual table. Out tables were circular but still had the built in benches. There were sections of the cafeteria at my school. For the was by the trash cans. I shuddered remembering sitting there. Then the back near the food line for the populars. A little further to the front but still close to the lunch line were the badasses and close to the door were the middle class people. And the front was were I belonged. The nerds. Kate always begs me to sit in the middle class area but I'm not middle class. I hurried to the lunch line.

"Hi doll face." I jumped. I took a deep breath and grabbed an apple.

"What? You're not scared of me again are you?" He asked. I nodded not even looking at him. He leaned in close to my ear. His breath caressed my cheek.

"That's not how you acted last night." I gulped.

"Jay!" I turned an saw his girlfriend looking a little pissed. He winked at me and moved ahead in the line. God he's hot.



Now you know a little more about Ryan. But Jayce will always be a mystery
