Description (Extended)

Have you ever been so scared you can't move?

That's how I felt when Jayce Ryley Hinton was standing in front of me.

"What's your name nerd?" His voice was deep and husky.

Full of confidence, the opposite of mine.

I felt like if I didn't answer, he'd break me like a twig.

"Ryan. Ryan Alison Cosbeck" I squeaked.

Yes, Ryan is a boys name.

But it can be a girls name too.

My parents wanted a boy okay?

He smirked. "Isn't that a boys name?" He asked inching closer.

I just nodded backing away making sure there was at least three feet in between us.

Ryan was your typical, stereotypical nerd.

Big glasses, straight A's, shy, over looked.

One friend, pushed around.

She can barely speak when she isn't talking to family or her best friend.

She hates being in the spotlight.

She likes reading books, studying til four am.

If you ever told her that one day she would meet the schools bad boy in person, she would have died laughing.

Jayce, was your stereotypical bad boy.

Leather jackets, street fights, blood, spit.

He's a lone wolf and only pays attention to his girl friend, and even then he doesn't always.

He gets into trouble because his motto is, yes, You Only Live Once.

If you ever told him he would meet Ryan in person, he'd say: 'who's that guy?'

Yes this is cliche.

The only difference?

She used to have a crush on him.

Jayce didn't even notice her.

Until one September morning.

When he fell through her roof.
