Surprise Surprise

Chapter 15: Surprise, Surprise

I woke up the next morning with Jayce and I in the same position.

"Morning doll face." He stretched.

"Can't you just call me Ryan? Just once?" I asked. He huffed pretending to be irritated.

"Good morning Ryan!" I giggled. We checked out and headed home talking about pointless things on the way. This was the happiest I had been in forever. We got home and I was prepared for a yelling, but nothing could ruin my mood.

"Oh good your home!" My mom exclaimed.

"Good news! The house is fixed!" My smile faded and I looked at Jay the same time he looked at me.


(A/N: if you want to get into it more play the song Let Me Go by Avril Lavigne)

Soon after Aiden left we moved back into my old house. I put my bags on my new bed and looked over at lucky who was back in his original place. I loved being home but...what would it mean for Jayce and I?At school we didn't talk much. We mainly just would glance at each other with sorrow then look away acting happy. It gets harder to concentrate. And Jay went back to his old ways. I guess I didn't tame him enough.


About three weeks after the move in, I heard tapping at my window. I looked over at it and a rock hit it. I jumped before getting up and looking out my window. I looked down at smiling Jay. I smiled. I opened my window kneeling on my bed.

"Well it took you long enough!" I told him.

"Better late than never!" He exclaimed back.

"Come down here!" He said. I looked down. Um how bout no!

"It's too high! I'll hurt myself.

"Not if I catch you!" He called up. I blushed holding up a finger to tell him to wait. I slipped on shoes and I slipped out the window. Luckily I had a bit of roof that hung over my sisters balcony. I jumped from that. And instead of landing gracefully in his arms like in the movies...we booth fell down. We struggled to find our land legs and finally got up. I blushed again.

"Where are we going?" I asked as a leaf from my tree fell behind him.

"Just to the park." He said taking my hand. Were we dating? Or just flirting? I don't know. We sat down on the park bench in a comfortable silence. Then he spoke. It's been three weeks since contact with him and he comes up with this.

"Do you...wanna have dinner Friday?" He asked a little nervous. I smiled.

"I thought you'd never ask." I told him. We looked at each other. He gently brushed his lips across mine. Kissing me gently. He sat me on his lap and the kiss ended. We sat and looked at the stars pointing out shapes, naming them after each other. I think Jayce Hinton has been bitten by the love bug.


I got home the same way I left. I danced around my room for what felt like forever. I picked up lucky and danced with him. I had a date. With Jayce Hinton. Jayce Ryley Hinton. My mom came in.

"Are you happy to have your room back or something?" She asked. Not wanting to explain I just hummed a sweet yes. She rolled her eyes and left. I put Lucky down and decided to got and get ready for bed. From the second floor you can hear what goes on from the first floor. I almost walked into the bathroom when I heard my mom say something interesting.

"It worked!" She cheered to my dad. I walked a little more down the stairs so I could see them but his back so they couldn't see me.

"What worked?" He asked still reading the newspaper.

"I went into her room earlier and Ryan wasn't there, then she was back! She's finally being rebellious!" Why was that exciting? I'm the good girl!

"She fell for Jayce, he's not doing as much bad stuff and she's doing worse stuff! Oh this is golden! We have to call the Hintons!" She cheered rushing to the phone. Did Jay know about this? I ran back up stairs grabbing my phone and scrolling to Jay's number. I stopped and stared at it. How did he fall through my roof?


I know it was kinda all over the place

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