Another Day Another Dollar

Chapter 2: Another Day Another Dollar

I made sure to put on shorts before I entered the dinning room for breakfast this morning. Before I could sit down Jay's appearance frightened me.

"Morning Doll Face." He whispered as he passed me. He gave me the shudders. Both my family and the Hintons sat at the giant square table. Jayce was next to me and I was diagonal from my sister May, who was right next Jayce's brother Mathew. My mom was to my right and my dad was on the opposite end next to Mr. Hinton and across from him was Mrs. Hinton. Got it? They all mingled except me.

"What's the matter Doll Face? Cat caught your tongue?" He whispered smirking.

"Jayce honey, watch Ryan she's terribly shy!" My mother stopped mid-sentence to tell him that. His smirk grew wider. Great. I bit my bottom lip

"don't do that." Jay demanded.

"W-why not?" I asked afraid he was gonna punch me or something.

"You'll cut your lip." He stated before sticking eggs in his mouth.

When breakfast was over, I decided to take a tour of the house. So far I've counted three laundry rooms, six bathrooms, four bedrooms and two offices. And this is the first hallway. I stopped at the third office. It was cracked open a little. I'm not one to snoop but it sounded interesting.

"No Carter! We are not sending Jayce to a private school!" Mrs. Hinton almost yelled.

"Vicky, this could change him." I backed up and tripped over my own foot causing me to stumble backwards. I landed with a thump. I scrambled to my feet and went into the closet room. When I was sure I could come out, I did. I ran to Jayce's room. Someone has to tell him. I didn't have to knock because his door was wide open blasting punk or rock or whatever it is music. He cocked an eyebrow at my breathlessness from running. I finally regained my breath and he turned down the music. He leaned against the door frame towering over me. God he looked so scary. I didn't dare to look at him.

"Um. Your parents want to send you away." I whispered.

"What?" He asked. I said the same thing but this time mumbled it. He was clearly getting irritated.

"Look doll face obviously it's not that important so if you'll excuse me. I have business to attend to." He slammed the door in my face and blared his music again.

I looked at the time and rushed to my room. I quickly put on clothes grabbed my phone and my book. I took out my contacts. Ugh. My eyes get so itchy with them in for a while. I put on my wide framed black glasses and stuck on a beanie. I stuck my phone in my back pocket and walked down stairs.

"Where you goin doll face?" Jay asked when I ran into him on the stairs. He had an apple in his hand. I slowly backed up the stairs as he came closer.

"Well. Um. I uh. Gotta go." I whispered going around him. Thank god mom was the only one around.

"Mom? I'm going to Kate's house." I said softly. She put down the newspaper.

"Honey you don't have to be shy!" She exclaimed. I was about to protest but Jayce walked in so I just turned and left. I began down the road to my best friends house. I stopped before I came out of the driveway. She's on vacation. I rolled my eyes and walked back inside.

"She's on va-vacation..." I said that last part shyly because Jay looked at me.

"So that's what your voice sounds like!" He cheered grabbing a juice box. I didn't know the bad boy drank juice. Was he stalking up on food?

"I'm heading out!" He announce. I watched him out the window hop on his motorcycle and speed off. I sighed running my fingers through my blonde hair.


So I ended up being curled up in my chair in my room reading. I got so caught up in homework and reading I didn't realize it was one am. I huffed putting all of my stuff away. When I heard some one sneak up the stairs. Creak. Squeak. Moan. Moan? I peaked through the crack in my door to see Jay bring a girl into his room. Yuck! He shut the door thank god! I shut mine to also help block out the noise. I walked over to Lucky. "You aren't very lucky are you?" I asked him like I expected an answer. I crawled into bed and let a deep sleep wash over me.

I felt someone touch me. That touch woke me from a nightmare. I wanted to see who it was but my vision was blurry. I only saw the person hold a finger to their lips and shush me. I just closed my eyes again and sleep came back.


Here's the next chapter
