It's Raining Men!

Chapter 1: It's Raining Men

In the movies people wake up to the sun shining in their face and the birds chirping. Well, this isn't a movie. It's reality. I woke up to my rabbit running around in its cage. Ugh. Having an attic as a bedroom is no fun. You know why? Because your rabbit freaks out at everything that moves! This time it was only a spider. It's been three weeks since I moved into the attic and I finally got all the bugs, and cobwebs out. It finally doesn't look like a pigsty. I got up and scratched my head yawning. I walked down stairs to the only available bathroom other than my parents. But their room is on the first floor. My sisters is on the second. Thank god she's not up yet she always hogs the bathroom. I did my normal routine (even though it's a Saturday) and headed back up to my room. I changed into comfortable clothes and threw my PJ's in the dirtys. I curled up in the corner of my bed to read my book. My rabbit kept going back and forth in its cage.

"Ugh! Lucky! Please stop freaking out!" When he didn't stop I slammed my book down and took Lucky downstairs. I let him out of his cage. We let him rome the house sometimes. I put his cage on the counter and walked back upstairs. I headed my way to my bed. Then someone came through my roof and landed on me.

"Asshole." I mumbled. I looked up. There was a hole in the roof in the shape of a person. How ironic. Just then the rest of my roof came crashing down. My parents ran upstairs and looked around baffled. I groaned in pain. My sister came up and her mouth dropped. She's fourteen by the way. The guy who was on me got up and helped me up. I dusted my self off and looked up. I froze. Have you ever been so scared you can't move? That's how I felt when Jayce. Ryley. Hinton. Was standing in front of me. My parents left to call the police and dragged my sister with them.

"What's your name nerd?" His voice was deep and husky. Full of confidence, the opposite of mine. I felt like if I didn't answer, he'd break me like a twig.

"Ryan. Ryan Alison Cosbeck" Yes, Ryan is a boys name. But it can be a girls name too. My parents wanted a boy okay? He smirked.

"Isn't that a boys name?" He asked inching closer. I just nodded backing away making sure there was at least three feet in between us. I finally found the strength in my legs to run down stairs. I got to the bottom and Jayce landed in front of me. He jumped off the top of the stairs. I froze. Wow it's really raining men today. More importantly it's raining Hintons. Before he could speak I heard my mom talking.

"Are you sure? Thank you so much Mr. Hinton! Bye!" I heard her hang up our house phone.

"Ry! Pack your things we are staying with the Hintons!" My mouth dropped.


I found a lot considering most of my room was made of rubble now. Not thanks to Jayce! I entered the Hintons. They were filthy stinking rich! The Hinton's place was huge. Like those dream mansions you see on TV. Well, mom always said that one day we'd live in a mansion. I just never pictured it quite like this. I was so busy marveling at the house that I didn't notice the butler taking my baggage up to my room. When I noticed the butler disappearing up the stairs I scurried after him. Before I could reach the stairs I bumped into a chest.

"Ryan." I gulped looking up to see Jay. He towered over me. I backed up so I could se him more clearly. Even though I didn't want to see him at all. He opened his mouth to speak but was once again interrupted. I bit my lip as I heard a car horn outside. He looked out the window and glanced at me before rushing out. I looked out the window to see him literally jump into a convertible and watch it speed off. I turned around and got startled by the butler.

"Miss Cosbeck, your room is up the first set of stairs to the right, directly across from Mr. Jayce Hinton." He did a small bow before heading off to do butler things. I rubbed my arm feeling like a lonely little girl in this enormous house.


I woke up to a shut of the door and a creak of the stairs. I forgot I was in the Hintons. I cracked open my door to see Jayce sneak into his room and pull off his shirt. It was hard to see in the dark but the moonlight shining through his window made it visible. His six-pack was gorgeous. I just wanted to trace it, like tracing a picture. He put on another shirt and changed his jeans into pajama pants. He climbed into bed but before he could lay down he froze and looked in my direction squinting. I stumbled backwards and dove for my bed not bothering to get under the covers so I just tangled my legs in them. Jay peaked in my room. I forgot I was only wearing a longish shirt until he made a perverted remark.

"Nice underwear." He said softly. I could just see the smirk on his face now.

"Night dork!" He left my door a little open and left to his bedroom. I felt the blood rush to my face in embarrassment. I feel like a stalker.


Well then....

Please read. It gets better!
