CheeseCake With A Side Of Jealousy

Chapter 5: CheeseCake With A Side Of Jealousy

In the lunch line I got a slice of cheesecake like I always do. I usually split it with Kate so I grabbed two forks. I was ten feet from the table when my tray went flying. Only the cheesecake landed on him. I ran into Jayce. People gasped which made others turn heads...which lead to more gasping.

"I'm so sorry." I mumbled. This was it I am on my death bed. I looked at the stain and grew wide eyed. This was his favorite jacket. I was about to burst into tears but Kate rushed over. Jay stopped her. He obviously didn't care who was looking. He pushed up my head with his index finger and raised his eyebrows at me.

"It's okay. It will come out."

"But last week a kid spilled soda on your favorite shirt an-" he cut me off.

"I can't hit a girl as delicate as you doll face. Then you'll never wanna see daylight again." With that he walked away leaving me stunned. I looked around. People were staring. Kate came and hugged me from the side.

"Nothing to see here!" She yelled. Everyone went back to what they were doing.

"What did he say?" She asked excitedly.

"That he couldn't hit a girl as delicate at me." I was looking at but really I was staring past her. I was looking at Jayce arguing with his girlfriend. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but it looked pretty bad.


When we were riding home he didn't say anything. We pulled into the drive way. I got off after he turned off the ignition. He grabbed my elbow. I turned around and watched him slowly put his shades on the top of his head.

"She's jealous." He said staring off into the distance.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled. I turned and left him there. I went to my room and threw my backpack down. I could hear him arguing with his girlfriend on the phone. I put my ear to the door.

"No Jess! I don't love her! She is just staying with me for a while because I fell through her roof! is that hard to believe?....You get jealous of people who even look at me! No I'm not cheating!....okay you know what? I'm done! You are too possessive and I'm done with you! I'm not leaving you for her! know what? Goodbye!" He slammed his phone on the ground making me jump. My eyes began to water. I hate it when people argue. It brings back memories of...I squeezed my eyes shut. I walked to my bed and whipped my tears. Jay came in and I looked at him. My eyes were red. He walked over to me and sat on my bed. He held me tight rocking me back and forth. His cologne smelled good. He wrapped his arms around me while I put mine on his chest. I began to cry harder.

"It's not your fault doll face." That all that was said. I shook my head breaking out hug.

"That's not why I'm crying." For once I was talking normal...because he isn't intimidating right now. He gave me a look of confusion.

"I was eight.....

It was nine o'clock and I should have been in bed. But I was behind the couch because I wanted to scare my mom.

I popped up behind her and scared her. Her laugh was amazing. The front door opened and she pushed me behind the couch.

Being the curious little girl I am, I peered over the couch being careful not to be seen. My dad had come home.

He was drunk. But I didn't know this at the time. My mother stood up and he slapped her. I thought it was a game they were playing.

They yelled and screamed, and he would abuse her. Soon she had bruises and there was blood. That when I knew it was serious.

He threw her against the wall. I couldn't watch, so I went back down. I heard a very loud bang. I looked up and my mom was dead.

He turned the gun to himself. And pulled the trigger. I sat behind the couch crying. I cried until the police came.

They told me I was okay and safe. They took me to a hospital just in case. They told me that my parents were in a better place.

The next morning they took me to a new family. My old parents always fought, so when ever people fight,

I'm afraid they will hurt each other."

Jay sat there during my story, listening. He didn't interrupt once. I hated telling that story. He held me again. We got comfortable and laid down. I guess I fell asleep because when I woke up the next morning. He was gone.


Didn't see that coming did you?

Here's the next chapter!
