An Awkward First Date

Chapter 16: An Awkward First Date

I picked out my favorite dress, twirling as I put it on. Friday had finally come and I couldn't stop thinking about it. But another thing was on my mind. Was Jay in on it? I had to find out. I came out and my mom looked so proud.

"Wait let me get a picture of you going on your first date!" She said moving me between the TV and the door. So what it was my first date...ever. I'm bad with boys okay? Didn't we clarify this in the beginning? I refused to smile. Instead I just walked out the door and waited outside. I saw Jay come from his house. I'm so writing a song after this. He approached me. We both took a second to look over each other. I wore a yellow sundress and pulled my hair back like Katniss in the hunger games at the reaping. And in case you're wondering...I'm team Gale. I wore white flip flops and a white headband that had flowers all across it. He wore a black shirt with dark jeans and a bit darker black jacket. He wore black shoes and made his hIr look messy in a very attractive way.

"Wow you clean up good doll face!" He said making me blush. He took my hand and we walked next door to his house so we could get in his car. He opened the door for me which made me blush more. I got in and he shut the door moments later coming in on the other side.

"Wow, the bad boy can be romantic!" I teased. He took an over exaggerated bow then took the steering wheel and backed us out of the drive way. We got to the restaurant and picked a booth. I looked all around staring at the different people. Then I saw her...Jayce's ex. On a date. Across from us. I pretended I didn't see them and picked up my menu.

"What are you getting?" He asked peaking from the side of his menu. I did the same.

"I don't know, you?" He shrugged. Finally we both decided what to order. I was getting a Cesar salad and he was getting a steak.

"You know, I've seen you eat like a pig you don't have to get the salad for me." He said with a cocky smirk on his face once our food got here.

"I got it so I didn't look like a slob, and I'll have you know I like salad!" I said pointing my fork at him.

Just then I heard a gasp. Uh-oh. Should I panic that his ex saw us and was approaching us with her boyfriend. She reached our table and I couldn't find the courage to look at her.

"Omigosh! Jayce and his friend Riley? Is it?" She asked looking at me. I opened my mouth to correct her but nothing came out. She pushed me further into the booth by sitting down.

"Awh! Are you two on a date? How about my date and I join you? It'll be a double date! How bout that?" I hated the idea of double dates. It seemed more like just a group of friends more than and actual date. A date was between two people, not four. I kinda wanted to punch her. I could so it! I had been taking karate since I was four...but I've never had the courage to use it. Her boyfriend sat next to Jay and I couldn't lift my head to look at him. I just stared at my food.

"Beat it Jess! Were on a date here!" She gave out a laugh that sounded like a cow being strangled and a bird shrieking at the same time. If that were a possible combination. I finally picked up my head and met Jayce's eyes. He gave a look of sorrow. Jess' boyfriend looked confused and defeated as he tried to play it cool. The whole time I sat in silence as Jess and her 'man' (as she stated) chattered away. Jay would chime in every once and a while to lighted the mood for me but finally gave up and understood that I wasn't going to talk. When the bill came Jay ended up paying for all of us even though he only had enough for two. So Jess' boyfriend had to help a little.

We left the restaurant and it was really cold out. Jay draped his jacket over my shoulders and we began walking to his car.

"Why do you get so shy? You have an amazing personality and it needs to be out there." He asked suddenly. I shrugged.

"I'm just not used to the spotlight." I almost whispered. He stopped and turned to me.

"I'm sorry about dinner." He said.

"It's okay."

"No it's not. She should have done that it was really immature." I stared at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh do you know maturity?" I asked sarcastically.

"Why in fact I do!" He said crossing his arms. I just laughed at him. I decided to let the whole. 'Is he in on it' thing go. Can't I be truly happy with the person I love for a little while? He lifted my head with his index finger and looked me in the eyes for awhile. He as gently as one could, touched my lips with his. It was a soft kiss, our lips were barely touching. I never wanted to end it. We took short breaks in between for quick breaths of air. My hands found their way into his hair and neck, while his found theirs to my hips. We stood like that for forever. I never wanted this moment to end. But everything must end. Even paradise. He was ripped from me and punched square in the jaw by Collins.

"Haha! That's for the fight at school a month ago." He slurred. He, of course, was drunk. Jayce tackled him to the ground. God, why is it that when something good happens to me, there is always someone there to screw it up? My blood boiled inside me. God damn it why can't people just let me be happy? I tore Jayce from Collins and when he got up, I punched him in his already broken nose and I kicked him in the stomach sending him back a few feet. I took off my shoes and I ran up to him. A 104 pound girl, whose angry and on her period can do a lot of damage. I drop kicked him into the side of a motorcycle. It tipped over and the owner saw. He picked up Collins and started yelling at him threatening him. I turned and marched over to Jay who looked at me like I had six heads. Remember when I said I take karate? I shut his jaw. He began to try and spit words out but could never finish them. I finally hushed him. His lip was bleeding. I took my middle finger and lightly touched the cut whipping the blood on his shirt.

"Why is it that I always have to take care of you?" I asked looking in his eyes, he smirked.

"It's what girlfriends do." I opened my mouth to speak but then processed what he said. My face grew redder than the reddest tomato on the planet. I smiled sheepishly. He went to kiss me but he winced at his cut lip. I just giggled. He grabbed my hand and walked me to the car.

"So how did you do that?" He asked looking at me. I just shook my head.

"I'll tell you what," I stopped and turned to him once we got to the car.

"When you tell me how you fell through my roof, then I'll tell you how I did that." I opened the. Car door and got in without another word. On the ride home he held my hand as we talked sweet nothing all the way there. He parked his car and walked my to my house. We stopped on the porch. He leaned in to kiss me but the front door opened. Please don't be my father. I turned to see shocked Mary in the doorway.

"Get in before dad sees you!" She said pulling me in.

"Bye Jayce!" I exclaimed.

"Bye doll face!" He said doing a simple wave. I frowned. I don't like that nick name and he knew it. He smirked.

"Hi Jayce!" My sister cooed. When she shut the door I looked at her.

"Hey that's my man your talking to!" I told her sternly. She just shook her head and smiled as she rushed me up the stairs.


You would have gotten a faster update but my cat keeps annoying me for food...-_- I literally fed him four times today. He is such a pig! But I love him.

What animals do you have?

I have 2 cats and 2 dogs!

Opinions on the chapter?
