Protective Much?

Chapter 7: Protective Much?

Once again being dragged out of the house by Jay and thrown onto his scary motorkiller- I mean motor cycle. We got to school and people still gawked at me. I tilted my head down. Jay didn't seem to mind it but I hated it. Kate ran up to me with a worried look on her face. I walked faster and met her halfway leaving Jayce far behind me.

"What?" I asked.

"I heard the populars talking. Today is our day!" She gulped. In my school, the nerds and geeks had days. The populars practically picked the days to torture us and apparently today was ours. I looked back taking a look at Jay as he approached. I looked back at Kate.

"Don't tell Jay." I looked at her worriedly. She looked me in the eyes and nodded. I was serious. He raised an eyebrow at us as he passed. This was going to be interesting.


"Hey Ryan, are you transgender?" Collins a popular kid asked shoving me into a locker as he bounced off of me. My arm hit a lock and it began to hurt like crazy. Then a cheerleader came by slapping her gum around loudly in her mouth.

"No it's just that no one wanted her. They wanted a boy!" Then she laughed like that girl from the nanny. She sounded like her too. I just kept my head down and didn't look at them.

"Ew what is Katrina wearing?" The cheerleader asked about Kate.

"It's Kate!" She piped up.

"Yeah what ever." Collins dissed her flicking her head. As we walked to class they just followed tormenting us. God they were like third graders with crushes. The bell rang but they stopped us. Collins pushed me backwards making me stumble. My books dropped and Kate helped me pick them up.

"Where you goin nerd?" Collins asked towering over me. I silently whimpered. Collins literally picked me up by the back if my shirt and slammed me against the lockers. Kate stood up and covered her mouth with her hands. He pressed his body onto mine. Welcome to my life. This should count as sexual assault.

Suddenly he was ripped off of me and punched square in the jaw. Jayce. The cheerleader gasped. I slid down the lockers. Were all guys like this? The guys struggled for what felt like forever. Kate was far away covering her mouth and the cheerleader was long gone. I pulled my knees up to my face and buried myself in them. I wrapped my arms around my legs. A class room door opened and someone caught the guys fighting. Kate crawled over to me and wrapped her arms around me burying her face in my shoulder. Collins always chooses the most delicate of girls. The teacher tried to stop the fight but couldn't. Jay had now knocked Collins to the ground and was throwing punches. He kept punching him til his knuckles bled. The teacher pried Jay off of Collins and helped him to the nurse. Jay sat down next to me breathing heavily. He went to touch me but I moved so he just kept his hands to himself. "Why do you protect me?" I asked being muffled by my...knees I guess. Please say he loves me.

"I promised my mom." I looked up. Kate had left. Our eyes locked. His eyes looked at me in sorrow and regret.

"It's okay." I whispered. He glanced down at my lips. He put his warm and bleeding hand on my cheek and made circles with his thumb. His hand left hot sparks on my cheek. He leaned in closer. Our lips just centimeters away. His warm breath caressed my lips. I'll bet his bleeding lip stung because of my hot breath on his lips. He tilted his head a little. Then the bell rung. He pulled back.

"We should get to the next class." He said standing up. He helped me up and helped me pick up my books. Kate came running through the crowd apologizing. She got so scared she just took off in the middle of the fight. She said she locked herself in the bathroom and when the bell rang it snapped her out of it.

Whatever. I just rolled my eyes at her dorky ness.

"You see, this is why we belong with the nerds." I told her. We had gotten so used to this stuff, that we get over it in minutes. I told her what she missed and she just kept squealing for the rest if the day going on and on about how it was destiny and all that jazz.


Not my best but it will have to do.
