Chapter 9 - Jealousy

Tyler's POV

It sucks in this town. I'm half enderman and it gets worse. There is no person that is like me. Half Endermen specifically. Earlier today, I walked down to the town hall. I wonder if anyone is working with me. I thought.

When I walked in, two girls were walking out. One had wolf ears, brown and auburn streaks, and yellow eyes. There's a Minecraftian who is half peaceful mob. I thought. Not hostile.

The other one was a blonde. She looked vaguely familiar, but I feel like I'm thinking of the wrong person. I walked in to see another name under the fighting instructor. "Shelly." I read. Wait. I thought. I remember her. She's Annabelle's sister. Why did she switch sides?

I looked at the other jobs. Under blacksmith was, 'Madelyn.' "I know her." I said to myself. "She's the one who killed Herobrine." I could find a way to befriend her and gain her trust. But not now. What if I messed things up? I started to get a feeling. She is cute for Annabelle's antagonist. I kind of like her.

I walked to the gym and started training. The funny thing, is that I saw them there. I walked up to them.

Madelyn's POV

"Shelly." I asked nervously. "Who is that?" She looked. "Oh." She said. "It's him. Now whatever you do, don't spill anything."

"Hello." He said. "I'm Tyler." He looked to his right. "Oh hi Shelly. What brings you here?" He asked. "I'm asking the same thing." She demanded. Tyler was half Minecraftian and half enderman. I'm not so sure if I am supposed to trust him now. I thought.

He looked to me again. "Would you like to hang sometime just so we can get to know each other better?" He asked. She nudged me. "What?" I said. She said nothing. She just cleared her throat.

"Well." I said. I thought for a minute. "It depends on what day." He nodded. "How about tomorrow?" He asked. "We could get to know each other better, as friends."

I exchanged a worried look with Shelly. I turned to him. "I'm sorry." I said. "I have a date with my boyfriend tomorrow. How about another time? We really need to plan these things ahead of time."

Tyler's POV

I stumbled back. Boyfriend!? I thought. I wonder who. "Oh. Ok." I said. "We will plan it." Awesome." She said. "Well, it was nice meeting you. Bye." "Wait. I didn't catch your name." I said, waiting for the answer. "Madelyn." She said.

I walked out. If she really has a boyfriend, then she should at least introduce me to him. We could really get along. Jealousy got to me and I don't know if I could hold it in any longer if this continues.
