Chapter 16 - Running Away With My Friends

Madelyn's POV

I ended up at my house. What has she done to me? I thought. She made him cheat on me. Why? Because she was mad? Jealous? Or was she told to?

I didn't care anymore. I buried my head in my hands and sobbed. Shelly and Sam came over to me. "Hey." Shelly said. "I saw the whole thing. I'm sorry." I turned. "Just leave me alone." I said. "I don't want this anymore! I just wanna die." "Madelyn!" Sam said. "Don't say that. We need you alive by the way."

"Anyways." Shelly said. "Guys are stupid. They don't know what they want" " he knows what he wants, and it's not me" I said. " and you sound like my parents".

I couldn't take it. I stormed into my house. I ran to my room, grabbed my bag, and packed it with my sword, enchanted books, food, water, and health potions.

They followed me up there.

"Maddy, what are you doing?" Sam asked. "I'm running away." I said. "I'll die alone in the hands of Annabelle soon enough. I know she'll need something from me to bring back Herobrine."

"Don't leave." Shelly said. "She will kill us, trying to look for you." I didn't listen. I walked towards the fence, jumped over the side, and ran out the door.


Shelly's POV

Sam and I chased her out the door. "Don't let her get away." Sam screamed. "I'm trying." I yelled. I shot ice her way and I pinned her against a tree.

"Let me go." Madelyn said. "I want to have some alone time. Without Garrett." She looked around. "With you two. c'mon. Let me down."
"Are you sure?" I asked. She sighed. "Oh, fine." She said. "Let's go." I started to thaw out the ice.


Tyler's POV

I walked around town wandering. I came across footprints. Three sets of foot prints. I decided to follow them. I then came across three girls talking. "Let me down, Shelly!" One said. "I will let you guys come with me." I started to laugh a little. "Okay." Shelly said. "I'm letting you down." She thawed the ice.

She then looked behind her and saw a glimpse of me. Next thing I knew I was pinned to a tree with ice. "What the fuck were you doing?" Shelly demanded. "Eavesdropping? I mean what the fuck dude." I couldn't speak. She was ready to shoot ice into my heart "Shelly. Stop." Madelyn said. "I know him. Don't kill him. We could get answers."

"I'd rather kill him." Shelly said. "Only if he talks, we can keep him alive. Okay, enderman. Why were you eavesdropping?"

I managed to speak. "Ali." I said. "She wants something from Madelyn to bring back Herobrine. Would I let that happen? No. Absolutely not." Madelyn stepped towards me. "Then, prove it." Madelyn said. "Fine." I said. "I eavesdropped on Annabelle and my sister. They wanted you to feel betrayed and they want to get a bottle of your tears to make a potion to bring back Herobrine. She gave me a note. Read it."

Madelyn took the note and froze. "Seven days?" She said. "Well, I'm making her wait. fuck this shit." She crumpled it and threw it at me.
"What the fuck, woman!" I yelled. "I'm trying to help you." Her yellow eyes glinted in the light of the moon, intimidating me.

"Please stop." I said. "Would I lie about help?" She looked at me like I was stupid. "Yes, you would." She said. "Like you always do. How about we keep you as prisoner. You will help us." "Yeah." Shelly said. "And if you make one wrong move, you are dead."

She thawed the ice and Madelyn held my arm firmly. "Ow." I said. "A little bit tight. Don't you think?" Madelyn pinched me. "May I just punch you until you shut the fuck up?" She said sarcastically. I suddenly became quiet. We walked into the forest.


Shelly's POV

"Remember." I said. "One wrong move and you are dead. If you help us, then we will keep you alive. Got it? We need you alive and helping us."
He was annoying the fuck out of me.

We passed the tree house. "Hey." I said. "I'm going to check if Clara and Emma are there." I walked to the vines and climbed. I found my dogs and items. I looked in my chests and found my dagger. My dagger I made myself. Wow, I should have chose blacksmith for my job. I thought.

I climbed back down the vines with my dogs. They started growling at the sight of Madelyn. "Oh, not again." She said. "No." I said. "She's a friend." The dogs stopped.

Tyler got scared. "So, enderman." Madelyn said. "You afraid of dogs?" She looked at him.


Tyler's POV

She looked at me sternly. I screamed in fear. "You- you- you are..." Madelyn finished my sentence. "Part wolf? I know." She said. "Well, yeah." I said. "Your face looks like a dog when you look at me."
Shelly gave me the death stare. "What." I asked. " One wrong move." she reminded me.

I decided to shut my mouth because I didn't want to die. I didn't want to show Madelyn my feelings without Shelly being a bitch. Madelyn holding my arm loosened her grip. I thought she was going to let me go with them as a friend, but she went to the other side and switched hands holding my other arm, but tighter.

Ender Sparks flew around me as I winced. "Oh, I'm sorry." Madelyn said. "My hand was sweating."

I looked at my arm to see her hand. It had a scar on it. It trailed up to her elbow. I was curious. So I asked.

"Hey, Madelyn." I said politely. "Yeah?" She said. "What happened to your arm. Are you okay?" She looked at me and then at her arm. "Herobrine caused it." She said. "We were in a fight and he threw fire at me right after the fire resistance potion wore off."

She showed me her other arm. It was scarred and discolored. "That's terrible." I said. "But you succeeded." "Yeah." Madelyn said smiling. "The scars, however, won't fade away. Hey, but it hurt like hell."


Shelly's POV

We were making our way to the abandoned shack. There was a worried expression on Madelyn's face. " Did you hear that." she asked. " What." I asked. " That rustling noise." " No I didn't." I said.
