Chapter 6 - Rage

Annabelle's POV
I was furious. "Why did my sister even come back anyways?" I yelled. "I shouldn't have poured that last drop. Why is she on her side now? I mean I know she's my sister and all, but why? I need to get her back."

I heard a voice. "No, sis." Shelly said. "I'm not working for you. You are nasty and you even think destruction is the answer." She teleported away.

I threw a rock across the room. Unbelievable. She just had to betray me just for her. I went into my room to plot my move.

I walked into the room and called all the mobs.

"Gather round my friends. I am your master now." I said. "Now I want to know why you have failed that nether attack on the town?" "It was your sister!" Squealed a zombie pigman. "And that wolf girl used our weapons against us. We couldn't do-"

"Enough!" I screamed. "You will not fail me. I will do it myself if I have to. And this is what happens when someone fails me." I took my bow and arrow and shot him.

The lifeless zombie pigman fell to the ground with a thud. "No one will have excuses." I demanded. "You understand?" They all nodded and walked away in fear.

"Good." I said. "Now bring her to me so I can finish what my boyfriend started!"
