Chapter 25 - a message

Caitlin's POV

"That was a close one." I said. "Where are we going to leave Clara?" Madelyn spoke up. "We throw her back into the nether and cover the portal for now." She said. "We need a strategy. Anyways, it's getting dark. Throw her in the portal and then we get some rest."

Samantha and I took ahold of Clara and carried her a quarter mile to the nether portal. We threw her and she disappeared into the portal. "Why are they doing this, Sam?" I asked. "It's like they want something from all of us. What is it?"

"Well," Sam said. "They want ingredients to make an advanced regeneration potion for Herobrine. They want to resurrect him so he can finish what he started. The reason why he can be resurrected at this time, is because she killed him with his own dagger and not her sword."

"Oh." I said. "So, he'd be gone for good if she used her sword? I get it now." "Yeah." Sam said. "So he is alive in a way. Her sword has a special ability."

She paused. "So, we should get back. It's getting dark." We ran back to Madelyn's house to spend the night in the guest room for now.


Samantha's POV

As we walked in the door, they were expecting us. "Perfect timing girls." Madelyn said. "Why don't we all spend the night. Someone will have to sleep with me. Who will it be?"

Tyler raised his hand and then Shelly quickly raised hers. "Sorry, Tyler." She said. "My cousin is coming up with me. Good night, peoples." I walked into the guest room and plopped onto the bed closest to the wall.

I started to close my eyes. "Good night." I called. "Night." Cora said. I began to close my eyes again.

I opened them again, but found myself in a place I never been. I felt the ground around me and it was hot. Then it came to me. It is the nether again. I got up and walked around. Along with hot flashes, I managed to see a figure. It was a girl, but with dark red hair.

"Who are you?" I asked. She saw me. She started to walk away. "Wait." I said. "Who the hell are you?" She turned around. She had dark auburn, almost brown hair, and black cat ears. I could see a little bit of blonde tips.

"You know me." She said. "I sacrificed my life for all of you." "Eileen." I said. "Why am I here? Are you trying to tell me something?" She laughed a little, but her smile faded.

"Annabelle is very angry, Sam." She said. "She can never know that you can speak to the dead. If she did, then she'd force you to speak to him in her point of view."

I was confused. "But I can only do a public speaking to you, for example, in front of a campfire." "Exactly." She said.

"What about Madelyn?" I asked. "I'm afraid the bottle is almost full with tears. I could see tears dripping onto her pillow."

She paused. "And I'm afraid that Clara has all the redstone they need. She took some from the trap that worked on Emma. she has it all."

"So they only need the tears?" I asked. "That's how complex it is." Eileen said. "You better warn Madelyn."

"But I will spill my secret." I said. "I'm not ready." Eileen laughed. "In the way you are skilled, I think you are." She said. "Go tell Madelyn and only Madelyn. Got it?"

I sighed. "Fine." I said. "Good." She said. "Well, I better go now. See you later." "Wait." I said. "Is this real?" "Of course." She said. "You just talked to me, and I'm dead."

"Anyways, got to go." She said. "Make sure the message is sent or there will be no life to look forward to." She waved. I sighed as I waved back. She turned away and walked into the darkness.


I woke up with a start as I checked the time. 6:30. Okay. I thought. I'm going to tell her once I start to finally wake up. I laid in bed for a while.
