Chapter 22 - Strategies with redstone

Cora's POV

I ran over to Caitlin's house to demand help. I banged on the door. "Is this the sister?" She asked. "Yes." I said annoyed. "Stop with that. Let me in. This is serious. I need your redstone expertise."

She immediately came out. "I'm in." She said. "What's the plan?" "Okay." I said. "Care to make traps? We need Pistons, dispensers, and any type of trap you can think of."

"Yeah." She said. "Of course I will. I can't wait. Who are the victims?" I hesitated, then finally told her. "Clara and Emma." I said. Her smile faded. "They're alive?" she said. "I thought you killed Emma."

"That's what I thought." I said. "But I guess Annabelle was still alive. Maybe she brought them back." "Right." Caitlin said. "Because she was the only one alive."

"We should have got her when we had the chance." I said. "I was looking for her when I disappeared."

"Then I kill Shelly, but I then find her at my door unscathed." Caitlin said. "Anyways, let's find some redstone. I can't wait to make traps again."

We walked to the mine shaft. "Two please." I said. the guy at the top handed us two diamond pickaxes. "Good luck Cora." He said. "Who's your guest?"

"This is Caitlin." She said. "She tends to the crops. She is helping me with something." He nodded. "Well, good luck, girls."


Caitlin's POV

We walked down into the mine shaft. "Look." Cora said. "We are looking for redstone. I see a jackpot over there in the corner." She pointed over to where lava was. "Really?" I said. "Could it have been over water?"

"Watch." She said. She waved her hand and the lava was obsidian. I felt stupid. Cora can do anything.

I walked over and mined it. It was a lot. I got 20 pieces of redstone dust.

I looked through my redstone guide, I had a great plan. I was going to build dispensers fill them up with softballs, and make a tripwire with pressure plates on both sides.

So if they jump the tripwire, they will still land on the pressure plates. The softballs will come pelting at them and knock them out cold. If not, two anvils drop on their heads, knocking them out for sure.

So I drew it out in a little space on a blank page. She looked over and smiled. "I love that." She said. "That will do good. In fact, That would do perfectly."

We walked out of the mine to see no one there. We walked to the town line to see two people way out in the distance. "It's them." Cora said.

"Then go invisible and throw them back a couple meters." I said. "Or this." Cora said as she waved her hand sending the two girls back to where the huge jungle tree was.

I laughed as I started to build the trap at the town line. I quickly planted two trees for the tripwire. I then put two sets of pressure plates on our side of the tripwire.

Then I used the redstone dust for detonating the dispensers. Cora placed the dispensers. If they got past it, then three blocks of ground will collapse under them and two anvils will be dropped from my height from a dispenser.

"This should do it." I said as I inserted the ammo on the dispensers. Cora and I hid deep in the woods but close to the trap.

The two girls walked towards the town line.
