Chapter 40 - The Awakening

Ali's POV

Annabelle gave me all the ingredients. "Now, use your witch skills in alchemy." She said. I nodded.

I started with brewing the awkward potion. "I'm really happy." I said. "Madelyn will die soon."

The awkward potion was done. I went on with the redstone and glowstone.


Cora's POV

I don't know why, but I was getting headaches. I was in the mines for my daily trip at work. I felt weird today. I just wasn't myself that day. I went to go through stone, and then I would get this major headache and my eyes would glow white.

I waved my hand and an image came up. And the first thing I saw was the making of the potion. I gasped. "No." I yelled. "They're bringing back my brother."

I ran out of the mines, put my pickaxe on the shelf, and ran to Madelyn's house. Everyone was over, including Tyler. "Guys." I said. I couldn't get my mind across.

"Calm down." Madelyn said. "Sit down and tell us. You don't have to rush." "What's wrong?" Shelly asked. They all looked puzzled.

I took a deep breath. "The potion." I said. "They're making it." Madelyn face palmed. "Are they done?" She asked. "I don't know." I said.

I waved my hand and the image of them showed the glass bottle of Madelyn's tears being poured into the potion. It glowed.


Annabelle's POV

It was finally done. "Now." I said. "Herobrine will rise." Everyone applauded.

I forced open his mouth and poured it all down his throat. I just had to wait fifteen minutes for it to work. "I'm so excited." I said. "He will have his powers back."


Clara's POV

The next thing I knew, Annabelle started to fall to her knees as the essence was coming out of her. What remained was a single red eye and a single white eye.

"How do I look?" She asked. I gave her a mirror. She gasped. "So I guess there is side effects." She said. "No." I said. "That has to be his true love for you." She smiled.


Herobrine's POV

Air started to fill my lungs as I started breathing again. I opened my glowing white eyes wide. I was alive. Madelyn. I thought. I will kill you once and for all. I smiled evilly.
