Chapter 18 - Safe... At least for now

Samantha's POV

The next thing I saw was light. The sun was close to setting. Then I saw a house covered in vines and the glass was partially broken. Then I heard Madelyn's voice. "We're here." She said. But she didn't seem relieved. She was in pain. She walked in after Shelly. She clutched her arms in pain.

"Are you okay?" I asked. "Yeah." Madelyn said. "Just sore muscles. oh, it hurts like hell." She put her things by a bed and plopped onto one.

"What time is it?" Shelly asked. "I'm tired already." "Oh." Tyler said. "It's four in the afternoon. No time passed when I teleported us all here."

"Could you not add that?" Shelly said sarcastically. "Give him a break, Shell." Madelyn said. "He's helped us a lot. He will need to rest as well."

"Thanks." He said. "Since when have you gone soft?" Shelly asked. "It sounds like you like the guy."
Madelyn stood up. "Shelly!" She yelled. "Shut it." She sat there quiet.

"Anyways, someone needs to take the first watch." Madelyn added. "Who will do it?" None of us raised our hands. "Okay. I'll do it then. Be the one who does everything." She said. "Wait." I said. "I'll do it."

"Too late kid." She said. "I'm taking the first watch. Tyler will take the second, then Sam, then Shell. no excuses. I start at eight."

She plopped back on the bed to take a nap, groaning as she started to lay down. Her arms were bruised. "Here, let me message your shoulders." Tyler said. "That would change your mind about killing me."

He looked at Shelly. She rolled her eyes as she and I walked into the kitchen to make dinner.


Madelyn's POV

"Thanks." I said. I laid my head down towards Tyler as he sat on the side of the bed. "Anytime." He said. "So, when you first met me when you were with Garrett, why were you scared of me?"

I knew I had to tell him. I sat up. "So, it all started when I was first known as Herobrine's target." I said."This was months ago. So there was an enderman attack on the town."

I continued talking. "I knew it was looking for me. I was being stupid by jumping in the pond, but I wasn't paying attention. My friend, Eileen, saved my life after I was being choked to death by an enderman. An enderman almost killed me."

I started to get emotional. "So that's why I was so scared." I buried my face in my hands.


Tyler's POV

I put my arm around her. "Don't worry." I said. "At least it wasn't me." Shelly and Sam came back in with food. "Let's eat." Sam said.

We all walked outside around a campfire. Madelyn had steak. I had fish. Shelly had pork, and Sam had carrots and potatoes.

I was the first to talk. "Now, are you guys considering to kill me?" I looked at Shelly. "Well." Madelyn said. "You have helped us to safety, you are a good strategist, and you saved my life before Clara almost killed me."

We all laughed. "Well, Abbey almost killed me." Sam said. "I'm surprised that my iron dagger didn't melt." "Ya." Shelly said. "I was prepared with water too, so I was okay."

Then Sam turned to me. "Why were you with Ali most of the time?" She asked. "Were you guys dating?"

My expression changed. "What?" I said. "Not at all. We're brother and sister. We moved from our town to yours. She and I ended up next door to Shelly. Soon I will move houses, but still spend the night at Ali's."

"Really?" Shelly said sarcastically. "Yeah." I said. "She is my sister after all. I have to be a good brother." I took another bite out of the fish. Tasted good.

"So," Madelyn said. "I think you can tell we are all different. I am part wolf, Shelly has ice magic, you are part enderman, and Sam. Well, she never told me what she was, but she is special. I can feel it."

Sam looked at her. "I don't want to tell you guys." She said. "Let's save it for when we really need it. Which is like, never."


Samantha's POV

I decided not to tell them what I am capable of. I am able to talk to the dead. I could do it while around a fire, but not now.

"Alright." Madelyn said. "Let's get some sleep. I will take the first watch for you guys. I'll wake Tyler up when my shift is over. Good night."
