Chapter 27 - Busted. Well, Not Really.

Shelly's POV

"Tell me." I said. "I told you what I was capable of. You should tell me since you told Madelyn." Samantha paced back and forth.

"I was sworn to secrecy." Sam said. "I had a dream and I was supposed to tell Madelyn. If I tell you, then probably Annabelle will find out since you two are sisters and-"

I cut her off. "Why would I tell my sister?" I said. "It's not like she's going to use you."

I could see the expression on her face. I just read her mind. "Oh." I said. "But tell me. I won't tell her."

"Okay." She said. "But you won't like it." She came up to me and whispered, "I can speak to the dead."


Samantha's POV

There was a look of surprise on Shelly's face. "Oh, right." She said. "I'm not going to tell her. I promise." That was a relief.

We kept talking about it. "So, who did you talk to?" Madelyn asked. "Well," I said. "I talked to Eileen. She told me to keep you safe at all costs and make sure no one gets hurt, especially you." I pointed at Madelyn.

"Well, I thought we were just going there and fighting." Shelly said sarcastically. "Well, durr." Madelyn said. "We all need to be prepared." "What else did she say?" Shelly asked.

"She said that they're almost done." I said. "They are three quarters of the way done." I looked at Madelyn. "Well, I'm sorry." She said sarcastically. "I can't control it while I sleep."

"Well, what should we do?" Shelly asked. "We train first thing tomorrow. Today will be a day to just relax and plan. We also need to work too. I have some repairing to do, especially to my house."

"What about the others?" Madelyn asked. "They will find out on their own." I said. "Why don't we have breakfast early? I'm hungry." Madelyn went to the kitchen and brought out a cake from the pantry. She also brought in eggs, milk, carrots, steak, and bacon; made steak and cheese omelettes, bacon and steak omelettes, and carrot omelettes for me.


Madelyn's POV

I put everything on the table as everyone woke up. The guest door opened and Tyler walked out. "Mornin' girls." He said. He gave me a playful punch. I laughed. "Hey." I said. "Where are the girls? are they still asleep?" "You have no idea." He said laughing. "They're heavy sleepers."

I walked into the guest room and shook Caitlin and Cora. "Wake up, girls." I said. "Everyone else is awake." I backed up in time because Cora threw a punch before waking up.

Caitlin, however, was fine. "Hey, Madelyn." She said. "What's for breakfast?" "We'll talk about that when you get up."

I walked out. "They're getting up." I said as I laid out the food. There were many types of omelettes. They looked pretty good to me.

Cora and Caitlin walked out of the room and sat down at the table. "Why?" Cora asked. "I had to do something to wake you up." I said. "Durr."


Tyler's POV

We all sat around the table. I could smell bacon, steak, cheese, and many other foods. It all made my mouth water. I helped myself to a steak and cheese omelette. "Wow." I said. "That is really good. Is there a recipe I could borrow?"

Madelyn laughed. "I don't think so." She said. "It was all from memory. I'm glad you like it. It's the first time I made these."

"Like your trial and error pancakes you made before?" Shelly commented. "What?" Madelyn said humorously. "I did that? I don't think so." We all laughed.

"Just face it." Cora said. "Those were trial and error. And you made one like an omelette." "Just get a frikkin joke." She said. I couldn't help, but laugh.

After she finished her breakfast, she went to get her things. "Where are you going?" I asked. "Work." She said. "We will find a time to train. I just need to get my shift in." I nodded as I walked into the guest room to get my bag. I walked back out hearing the door close as Madelyn waved to us, before jogging to the blacksmith.
