Chapter 32 - A Miscalculation

Annabelle's POV

"We're here." I said. "Anyone want to turn back?" They all shook their heads. "Good." I said. We had a good well rounded team. Emma with her bow, Clara with her iron sword, Abbey with her enchanted dagger, Garrett with his diamond axe, Ali with a bag of poison potions and a dagger, and me with my fire aspect bow.

I opened the portal and the whole thing glowed purple. "C'mon guys." I said. I jumped through the portal and the first thing I saw was the village that my boyfriend once attacked. The villagers repopulated.

Then, out of the portal, came Garrett. He was followed by Ali, Clara, Abbey, and Emma. I motioned for them to follow. "Now, you guys will listen to me." I said. "Is that clear? Do I have to go over it again?" My eyes glowed white. They all nodded.

"Good." I said. "Now, follow my lead." We sneaked through the village and into the town. I could see Madelyn's house. I ran up to it and looked through. "No one's home." I said. "Yeah, no shit." Garrett said. "They wouldn't have stayed there. Or I think it was because of...." He stopped.

"Because of who?" I demanded. "Caitlin." He said. "She is a psychic. You can't get past her thoughts." "Well, fuck." I said. "There has got to be a way to get to them without her knowing." "Well, Madelyn can detect us from miles away." Garrett said. "Knowing her as a werewolf, she would be able to detect us right now."

I face palmed. "Any more abilities I don't know of besides Madelyn, Caitlin, Tyler, and my sister?" I demanded. He shook his head. "Not that I know of." He said. "Good." I said. "Let's go."


Madelyn's POV

Suddenly, I smelled something. I sniffed the air and face palmed. "They're here," I said. "at the portal. They just came through." The first thing I made out was Annabelle's horrible perfume. I coughed. "Yup." I said. "It's her. I know because of her fucking perfume."

Then a hand was put over my mouth. "Shhh." Tyler said. "They're close." I could hear them too. I took a peek through a window and they were at Cora's house. "What the hell are they doing at my house?" She whispered. "Good thing I cast a protection spell around our houses."

They went to the porch of Cora's house and they got flown back a foot or two. we tried so hard not to laugh. I giggled a little. Tyler's hands were on my shoulders as I peeked around the corner. They weren't close to us. They were just raging.

"What the fuck, Clara." Emma screamed. "Next time, be careful." "Well, sorry." Clara said, sarcastically. "I'm not the expert on Herobrine's sister." Cora started chuckling. Shelly shushed her.

The girls were pushing each other around. We all covered our mouths to prevent laughing. It was priceless. Emma tried to shoot into the house. The arrow disintegrated into ashes. We all chuckled.

Then, Emma looked our way as we were hidden. "What was that?" She asked. "Did I just hear laughing? Wait, I think they're over there." She walked slowly in our direction. We stayed quiet. We sat up against the other side of the house and Tyler had his hand covering my mouth.

Emma walked to the house as Cora made us invisible. I looked at Tyler with a scared look. He put his arm around me as I put my head on his shoulder. "Don't worry." He whispered. "We will get through this."

Emma looked around. "Not there." She said. Tyler looked around the other corner. He motioned us to slowly walk his way. We slowly crept to the other side. I looked around the corner. The rest were coming up the other side. "Now." I whispered. I grabbed onto everyone and we all huddled.

Tyler put his arms around me and teleported all of us to the portal. Cora then took off the invisibility affect as we ran into the nether portal to hide.


Emma's POV

I looked around. "But I thought I saw them there." I said. "Look." Clara said. "They're entering the portal. Hurry up guys."

We all ran towards the portal.
