Chapter 31 - The Plan

Garrett's POV

I was called to a meeting with Annabelle, Ali, Clara, Emma, and Abbey. I saw a map on the table. I held my diamond axe in my hand for mental strength. "So," I said. "Are we sticking with the plan?" Ali gave me the death stare. "Of course." She said. "We are going to kill my brother. However, he should be killed by Shelly. She said if he makes one wrong move, he is dead."

"No." Annabelle chimed in. "I'll be bait. She wants to kill me. She will project ice out of her hand. She thinks it will hit me in the heart, but I will vanish in time and it will go towards Madelyn and Tyler as they regroup."

She continued. "Someone will have to make the save. So, Tyler has to dive in front of her. He will die that way while Madelyn is sobbing. We will get the rest of her tears because of her weakness. Her weakness is Tyler."

She laughed. "I can finally get my revenge." She said. "How is this going to happen exactly?" I asked. "Should they come to us or should we go to them?" "How about we attack them?" Clara suggested. "We could vote on it."

"Okay." Annabelle said. "All those wanting to wait for them to come." No one raised their hands. "Okay." Annabelle said. "I guess we will go to them. Get ready. We leave in thirty minutes."


Caitlin's POV

I walked into the living room and put the food on the table. "Hold on." I said. "I'm getting us all water." I went into the kitchen and grabbed six water bottles. I made trips, and then I finally got mine.

I was walking through the door then all of a sudden my vision went black. It showed images of Annabelle, Ali, Clara, Emma, and Garrett. They were on their way towards the nether portal. The vision ended. I gasped as I dropped my water. The glass broke and water spilled everywhere as I fell.

Madelyn ran over. "Caitlin." She said. "What did you see this time?" I was struggling to get up. "They're coming." I said. "They're coming through the portal and attacking us."

Madelyn's eyes went from a brown to yellow and back as she is holding back anger. "Why?" She asked. "They want to kill Tyler." I said. "I don't know how though."

She helped me up. "Then we need a plan." She said. "Any ideas?" "How about we hide behind a house that they wouldn't look in." Tyler said. "I'll teleport us to a clear area and we bolt into the forest."

Shelly rolled her eyes. "They'd find us, dipshit." She sassed. "They can hear the sound of a teleporting enderman from a mile away. Could you just try something else other than your stupid enderman shit?"

"Look." Samantha said. "We will confirm a plan once you two stop fighting." She sighed. "I'll let you off easy." Shelly said. "I have an idea." Madelyn said. "When they are close, Tyler will teleport us to the portal and we will hide in the nether. If they find us, we will have no choice, but to fight."

Everyone was quiet. I just had to break the silence. "Okay guys." I said. "They are going to cross into our world any minute, we will just have to stick with Madelyn's plan. Let's find a house we have never been to and stay there until they start to find us."

We walked out of the house and our weapons were by the door. Madelyn picked up her sword and bag. "Regeneration and healing potions just in case." Madelyn said.

Tyler took his dagger out of his bag. "I'm ready, guys." He said. "Anyone ready?" We all raised our weapons. Sam with an iron dagger, Shelly with her hand made dagger, Tyler with his lapis lazuli dagger, Cora with her diamond axe, Madelyn with her diamond sword, and me with my bow. "Let's do this." I said. We ran to the house and waited.
