Chapter 26 - We don't have much time.

Madelyn's POV

I woke up to Samantha shaking me. "Wake up." She said. "Wake up. This is important." "What?" I asked half awake. "May I just sleep for a a couple hours more?"

"No." She said, pulling me out of bed. "It's really important." "Fine." I said, getting up. "Make it quick." I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. I slashed water on my face and I woke up.

"So," Samantha said. "You know how we were talking about abilities?" "Yeah." I said. "What about it?" "Well," she said. She hesitated. "I can talk to the dead in dreams or around a campfire."

I turned around with my eyes wide. "Why didn't you tell me earlier?" I asked. "I was afraid Annabelle would find out." She said. "Eileen told me everything. oh, and about the potion."

"What about it?" I asked. "They're almost there." She said. "The got all the redstone they need." I face palmed. "How?" I asked. "Well, Cora and Caitlin constructed a redstone trap." She said. "Clara managed to get around it after Emma was knocked out cold. I have a feeling that she managed to pick it up and cancel the detonation."

I face palmed again. "Then I guess we need to prepare." I said, "and try not to hurt me. You know how sensitive I am in this type of situation." "Yeah," she said. "We don't have much time."

"I get that." I said. "But how? It's not like they can finish in three days. I haven't cried in a while." "Well," Samantha said. "They would want to wait until the right time. They know your weakness."

"Weakness?" I asked. "What weakness?"


Samantha's POV

"I know, Maddy." I said. "I'm not stupid. I know you like Tyler." Again, she face palmed. "It was kind of obvious wasn't it." She said. I nodded. "Yeah." I said. "You have no idea."

Shelly came down the stairs and walked to the kitchen. She wasn't thinking. She just dunked her head into the sink. She stood up and shook her head dry. "What?" Madelyn asked. "You're acting like me now?" "Very funny, Madelyn." Shelly said sarcastically.

"What were you guys talking about?" Shelly asked. Right when she asked that, I went silent and she noticed. "Is there something you're not telling me, Sam?" She asked.
