Chapter 33 - We won't be hiding for long.

Tyler's POV

We were in the nether. The place I fucking hate. We started running past Herobrine's mansion and into the field of soul sand. Ugh, talk about very mucky. We then found our way to a clear space with a mountain of netherrack. We dug into it and hid, not closing it, so mobs won't spawn in here.

I couldn't stop sweating. I looked around and everyone was dripping sweat and Madelyn was panting. Yeah I know. I thought. Dogs don't sweat.

Then we saw a flash of light. I saw them. I gasped. "What?" Madelyn whispered. "They're here." I whispered back. She face palmed. "Really?" She said. "They saw us? Bullshit."

She took out her sword. "Shh." She whispered. "I'll go ahead. I'll tell you guys if it's clear." She went to the other side of the mountain and dug a spy hole. Very clever. Then, without looking at us, she motioned us over.

We crawled over to her as she stopped us. We hid behind the mountain. I got a better look. There was Ali, Annabelle and Emma in one place.

"Caitlin. She whispered. "Try shooting Ali for me." She nodded and aimed through the spy hole. She let go of the string. And we all got down as the hole was filled with netherrack.


Ali's POV

I don't know what happened, but suddenly I felt a sting of pain in my shoulder. "Ah, shit!" I yelled. "Who shot me?" Annabelle looked back at me. "Well, it wasn't me." She said. "It wasn't me either." Emma quickly said. I looked around, but I couldn't see anything.

"Ah, it's so god damn dark." I yelled. "I can't see shit." "Calm down, Ali." Annabelle said. "We'll find the gang. We will just use glowstone." I slouched over as I yanked the arrow out, screaming.

Next thing I knew I heard laughing. "Who's there?" I demanded. I heard 'shh.' But there was also giggling. I threw a no effect potion as a warning. It all went quiet.


Cora's POV

I face palmed. "Fuck." I whispered. "I think Ali found us. I'm turning us invisible." Ali came around to where we are. "Hmm." She said. "I thought they were here." We scooted around the corner to the other side holding onto the netherrack blocks.

After a minute, she walked away, back to her allies. "Well, I don't know who the fuck shot me." She said. We waited until she was out of sight.

We swung ourselves back to where we were and I took off the affect. "Now that's what we get if we don't stop laughing." I said. "You were laughing too." Shelly said. "So what the fuck, Cora?"

"We don't really have much of a plan." Madelyn said. "They're on to us. I don't think we will have time to figure out something." "I'll fight Garrett." I said. "Of course." Madelyn said.

"I'll fight Emma." Caitlin said. "I'll go for Annabelle." Shelly said. "I'll go for Ali." Tyler said. "And I'll fight Clara." Madelyn said. "I'll fight Abbey, then." Samantha said.

"So," Madelyn said. "Clara and Ali are teaming up, Garrett and Annabelle are teaming up, and Emma and Abbey are teaming up. You, Cora and Shelly, you guys team up. You, Sam, Caitlin. Team up. Tyler and I will stick together. Make sure you guys each stick with your 'partner' and find your target."

I nodded. "I'll teleport Shelly over." I said. "We will all spread out. And we can't hide for that long. I just want to get this done and over with." "But if they manage to get everything, we will retreat." Samantha said. "I agree with her." Caitlin said. "Madelyn, give us a signal we can all hear just in case someone or you are wounded, and it needs to be clear and we need to know it's you."

"I'll howl if that's fine." She said. We all nodded. "Yes." I said. "Thats good enough. We will definitely know it's you." We crept to the other side and found their locations. "Okay." Madelyn said. "We found them. Allons-y."

"Speak English. Not French." Shelly whined. "Let's go." Madelyn said sarcastically. Tyler and Madelyn teleported away, Caitlin and Sam walked down, and Shelly and I teleported away.
